[BOOK][B] Ubiquitous user modeling

D Heckmann - 2006 - books.google.com
Die zentrale Zielsetzung der Arbeit war es, auf der Basis von Technologien aus dem Bereich
des semantischen Web neuartige Methoden der Benutzermodellierung zu entwickeln, durch …

[PDF][PDF] The user model and context ontology gumo revisited for future web 2.0 extensions

D Heckmann, E Schwarzkopf, J Mori… - Contexts and …, 2007 - ftp-serv.inrialpes.fr
We revisit the top-level ontology Gumo for the uniform management of user and context
models in a semantic web environment. We discuss design decisions, while putting the …

[PDF][PDF] Building blocks for a participatory web of things: devices, infrastructures, and programming frameworks

MV Trifa - 2011 - research-collection.ethz.ch
In less than three decades, computers have evolved from bulky desktop units to tiny,
embedded chips that can communicate wirelessly with each other. Battery-powered and …

[HTML][HTML] A survey of context-aware messaging-addressing for sustainable internet of things (IoT)

AO Almagrabi, YD Al-Otaibi - sustainability, 2020 - mdpi.com
Nowadays, communication engineering technology is merging with the Internet of Things
(IoT), which consists of numerous connected devices (referred to as things) around the …

Navigational-and shop** assistance on the basis of user interactions in intelligent environments

C Stahl, J Baus, B Brandherm, M Schmitz… - IEE Seminar on Intelligent …, 2005 - IET
This paper presents an overview about ongoing work in the project REAL, where we have
set up the Saarland University Pervasive Instrumented Environment (SUPIE). In particular …

Design of a web-based distributed location-aware infrastructure for mobile devices

V Trifa, D Guinard, P Bolliger… - 2010 8th IEEE …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Since GPS receivers have become a commodity anyone could access and use location
information simply and freely. Such an easy access to ones' location is instrumental to …

Spatial modeling of activity and user assistance in instrumented environments

C Stahl - 2009 - publikationen.sulb.uni-saarland.de
This dissertation presents a design method for proactive user assistance systems in
instrumented environments. The method addresses typical design issues, such as the …

[PDF][PDF] MoBe: context-aware mobile applications on mobile devices for mobile users

P Coppola, V Della Mea, L Di Gaspero… - Proceedings of the …, 2005 - academia.edu
Due to the appearance and widespread diffusion of new mobile devices (PDAs,
smartphones etc.), the traditional notion of computing is quickly fading away, giving birth to …

RMD: Reliable multicast data dissemination within groups of collaborating objects

M Marin-Perianu, P Havinga - Proceedings. 2006 31st IEEE …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Factory and industrial automation systems gradually start to incorporate wireless networks of
smart objects and sensor nodes. In this context, one fundamental problem is the reliability of …

Enhancing Knowledge, Skills, and Spatial Reasoning through Location-based Mobile Learning

C Sailer - 2020 - research-collection.ethz.ch
Location-based mobile learning (LBML) involves learning in and about locations in order to
explore, analyze, describe, and evaluate phenomena in authentic learning experiences and …