Conducting polymers: a comprehensive review on recent advances in synthesis, properties and applications
Conducting polymers are extensively studied due to their outstanding properties, including
tunable electrical property, optical and high mechanical properties, easy synthesis and …
tunable electrical property, optical and high mechanical properties, easy synthesis and …
Effect of hexavalent chromium on the environment and removal techniques: a review
Despite the importance of chromium (Cr) in most anthropogenic activities, the subsequent
environmental adulteration is now a source of major concern. Cr occurs in numerous …
environmental adulteration is now a source of major concern. Cr occurs in numerous …
3D printable electroconductive gelatin-hyaluronic acid materials containing polypyrrole nanoparticles for electroactive tissue engineering
Electrically conductive bio-scaffolds are explored in the field of tissue engineering (TE) as a
solution to address the clinical need of electroactive tissues, finding applications in nervous …
solution to address the clinical need of electroactive tissues, finding applications in nervous …
Synthesis and factor affecting on the conductivity of polypyrrole: a short review
Polypyrrole (PPy) has unique features such as easy synthesis, environmental stability, and
high electrical conductivity (approximately 105 S/cm and even> 380 S/cm) for bulk and thin …
high electrical conductivity (approximately 105 S/cm and even> 380 S/cm) for bulk and thin …
Wearable cortisol aptasensor for simple and rapid real-time monitoring
The necessity of managing stress levels is becoming increasingly apparent as the world
suffers from different kinds of stresses including the extent of pandemic, the corona virus …
suffers from different kinds of stresses including the extent of pandemic, the corona virus …
High-efficiency electrochemical degradation of phenol in aqueous solutions using Ni-PPy and Cu-PPy composite materials
Abstract Conductive crystalline polypyrrole (Cryst-PPy), Nickel-polypyrrole (Ni-PPy), and
copper-polypyrole (Cu-PPy) hybrid materials were prepared using a chemical …
copper-polypyrole (Cu-PPy) hybrid materials were prepared using a chemical …
Electroconductive multi-functional polypyrrole composites for biomedical applications
Polypyrrole is an example of inherently electrically conductive polymer that is employed in
the biomedical arena because of its low cost, excellent electroconductive properties, and …
the biomedical arena because of its low cost, excellent electroconductive properties, and …
A review of hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solutions by sorption technique using nanomaterials
Heavy metals contamination has become a global environmental problem owing to
anthropogenic sources. They are considered a stern threat to humans, aquatic life, and …
anthropogenic sources. They are considered a stern threat to humans, aquatic life, and …
Critical review on recent developments in conducting polymer nanocomposites for supercapacitors
With the rapid depletion of fossil fuels and rising energy demand, the production and usage
of renewable energy sources are gaining a lot of attraction. However, current renewable …
of renewable energy sources are gaining a lot of attraction. However, current renewable …
Preparation and characterization of hybrid polypyrrole nanoparticles as a conducting polymer with controllable size
Hybrid polypyrrole (PPy) nanoparticles were prepared using a low-temperature oxidative
polymerization process in an acidic solution with polyethyleneimine (PEI) as a template and …
polymerization process in an acidic solution with polyethyleneimine (PEI) as a template and …