A review of recent studies of triggered earthquakes by artificial water reservoirs with special emphasis on earthquakes in Koyna, India
HK Gupta - Earth-Science Reviews, 2002 - Elsevier
Triggering of earthquakes by filling of artificial water reservoirs is known for over six
decades. As of today, over 90 sites have been globally identified where earthquakes have …
decades. As of today, over 90 sites have been globally identified where earthquakes have …
Anomalous radon emission as precursor of earthquake
Recent years have seen an ever increasing interest in studying the usefulness of radon
measurements in earth sciences. Radon emissions that are enhanced by forthcoming …
measurements in earth sciences. Radon emissions that are enhanced by forthcoming …
[BOK][B] Reservoir induced earthquakes
HK Gupta - 1992 - books.google.com
Since the publication of the first Dams and Earthquakes in 1976, the phenomenon of
reservoir induced seismicity (RIS) is more widely understood. There are now over 70 known …
reservoir induced seismicity (RIS) is more widely understood. There are now over 70 known …
Seismogenic permeability, ks
The temporal and spatial pattern of seismicity associated with reservoir water level
fluctuations, injection of high‐pressure fluids in deep boreholes, and seasonal groundwater …
fluctuations, injection of high‐pressure fluids in deep boreholes, and seasonal groundwater …
A review of mechanisms of induced earthquakes: from a view of rock mechanics
The induced earthquake recently has gained an increasing public awareness of
environmental and safety issue. The earthquakes associated with fluid injection and …
environmental and safety issue. The earthquakes associated with fluid injection and …
Identification of earthquake precursors in soil radon-222 data of Kutch, Gujarat, India using empirical mode decomposition based Hilbert Huang Transform
Abstract Soil radon (Rn-222) has been continuously monitored at Badargadh station (23.47°
N, 70.62° E) in Kutch region of Gujarat to study the pre-seismic anomalies prior to …
N, 70.62° E) in Kutch region of Gujarat to study the pre-seismic anomalies prior to …
[PDF][PDF] Техногенная сейсмичность-индуцированная и триггерная
ВВ Адушкин, СБ Турунтаев - 2015 - researchgate.net
Десять лет назад авторы настоящей монографии выпустили книгу «Техногенные
процессы в земной коре (опасности и катастрофы)». За прошедшие десять лет …
процессы в земной коре (опасности и катастрофы)». За прошедшие десять лет …
Flood 2018 and the status of reservoir-induced seismicity in Kerala, India
Floods in India, which were once mostly confined to southern part of the Himalayan region,
have now started spreading over to many regions of India, including the urban …
have now started spreading over to many regions of India, including the urban …
Artificial water reservoir-triggered seismicity (RTS): Most prominent anthropogenic seismicity
HK Gupta - Surveys in Geophysics, 2022 - Springer
Under certain suitable geological conditions, anthropogenic seismicity due to gold/coal
mining, geothermal and natural gas/oil production, filling of artificial water reservoirs, and …
mining, geothermal and natural gas/oil production, filling of artificial water reservoirs, and …
Mechanical and statistical evidence of the causality of human-made mass shifts on the Earth's upper crust and the occurrence of earthquakes
CD Klose - Journal of Seismology, 2013 - Springer
A global catalog of small-to large-sized earthquakes was systematically analyzed to identify
causality and correlatives between human-made mass shifts in the upper Earth's crust and …
causality and correlatives between human-made mass shifts in the upper Earth's crust and …