When Gaussian process meets big data: A review of scalable GPs
The vast quantity of information brought by big data as well as the evolving computer
hardware encourages success stories in the machine learning community. In the …
hardware encourages success stories in the machine learning community. In the …
Recent advances in data-driven wireless communication using gaussian processes: a comprehensive survey
Data-driven paradigms are well-known and salient demands of future wireless
communication. Empowered by big data and machine learning techniques, next-generation …
communication. Empowered by big data and machine learning techniques, next-generation …
Causal transformer for estimating counterfactual outcomes
Estimating counterfactual outcomes over time from observational data is relevant for many
applications (eg, personalized medicine). Yet, state-of-the-art methods build upon simple …
applications (eg, personalized medicine). Yet, state-of-the-art methods build upon simple …
Efficiently sampling functions from Gaussian process posteriors
Gaussian processes are the gold standard for many real-world modeling problems,
especially in cases where a model's success hinges upon its ability to faithfully represent …
especially in cases where a model's success hinges upon its ability to faithfully represent …
Rates of convergence for sparse variational Gaussian process regression
Excellent variational approximations to Gaussian process posteriors have been developed
which avoid the $\mathcal {O}\left (N^ 3\right) $ scaling with dataset size $ N $. They reduce …
which avoid the $\mathcal {O}\left (N^ 3\right) $ scaling with dataset size $ N $. They reduce …
Efficient high dimensional bayesian optimization with additivity and quadrature fourier features
We develop an efficient and provably no-regret Bayesian optimization (BO) algorithm for
optimization of black-box functions in high dimensions. We assume a generalized additive …
optimization of black-box functions in high dimensions. We assume a generalized additive …
A survey of constrained Gaussian process regression: Approaches and implementation challenges
Gaussian process regression is a popular Bayesian framework for surrogate modeling of
expensive data sources. As part of a broader effort in scientific machine learning, many …
expensive data sources. As part of a broader effort in scientific machine learning, many …
Matérn Gaussian processes on graphs
Gaussian processes are a versatile framework for learning unknown functions in a manner
that permits one to utilize prior information about their properties. Although many different …
that permits one to utilize prior information about their properties. Although many different …
Kernel methods through the roof: handling billions of points efficiently
Kernel methods provide an elegant and principled approach to nonparametric learning, but
so far could hardly be used in large scale problems, since naïve implementations scale …
so far could hardly be used in large scale problems, since naïve implementations scale …
Matérn Gaussian processes on Riemannian manifolds
Gaussian processes are an effective model class for learning unknown functions,
particularly in settings where accurately representing predictive uncertainty is of key …
particularly in settings where accurately representing predictive uncertainty is of key …