Review of optimization techniques applied for the integration of distributed generation from renewable energy sources

Z Abdmouleh, A Gastli, L Ben-Brahim, M Haouari… - Renewable Energy, 2017 - Elsevier
Several potential benefits to the quality and reliability of delivered power can be attained
with the installation of distributed generation units. To take full advantage of these benefits, it …

Integration of renewable distributed generators into the distribution system: a review

T Adefarati, RC Bansal - IET Renewable Power Generation, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Recent advances in renewable energy technologies and changes in the electric utility
infrastructures have increased the interest of the power utilities in utilisation of distributed …

Analytic considerations and design basis for the IEEE distribution test feeders

KP Schneider, BA Mather, BC Pal… - … on power systems, 2017 -
For nearly 20 years, the Test Feeder Working Group of the Distribution System Analysis
Subcommittee has been develo** openly available distribution test feeders for use by …

State-of-the-art techniques for modelling of uncertainties in active distribution network planning: A review

A Ehsan, Q Yang - Applied energy, 2019 - Elsevier
The intermittent generation of non-dispatchable renewable distributed generation, along
with the load variability, demand growth and electricity market prices impose operational …

A review of the optimal allocation of distributed generation: Objectives, constraints, methods, and algorithms

MP HA, PD Huy, VK Ramachandaramurthy - Renewable and Sustainable …, 2017 - Elsevier
Distributed generation, with respect to its ability in utilizing the alternative resources of
energy, provides a promising future for power generation in electric networks. Distributed …

Review of control strategies for voltage regulation of the smart distribution network with high penetration of renewable distributed generation

N Mahmud, A Zahedi - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
Integration of renewable energy sources (RES) into traditional power system is one of the
most viable technologies to meet the ever increasing energy demand efficiently. But, this …

Optimal distributed generation placement in power distribution networks: models, methods, and future research

PS Georgilakis, ND Hatziargyriou - IEEE Transactions on power …, 2013 -
The integration of distributed generation (DG) units in power distribution networks has
become increasingly important in recent years. The aim of the optimal DG placement …

Distributed generation hosting capacity evaluation for distribution systems considering the robust optimal operation of OLTC and SVC

S Wang, S Chen, L Ge, L Wu - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 -
With the rapidly increasing penetration of renewable distributed generation (DG), the
maximum hosting capacity (MHC) of a distribution system has become a major concern. To …

Assessing the potential of network reconfiguration to improve distributed generation hosting capacity in active distribution systems

F Capitanescu, LF Ochoa, H Margossian… - … on Power Systems, 2014 -
As the amount of distributed generation (DG) is growing worldwide, the need to increase the
hosting capacity of distribution systems without reinforcements is becoming nowadays a …

A fully distributed reactive power optimization and control method for active distribution networks

W Zheng, W Wu, B Zhang, H Sun… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2015 -
This paper presents a fully distributed reactive power optimization algorithm that can obtain
the global optimum solution of nonconvex problems for distribution networks (DNs) without …