[HTML][HTML] Alcohol health warning labels: a rapid review with action recommendations
N Giesbrecht, E Reisdorfer, I Rios - International journal of environmental …, 2022 - mdpi.com
A rapid review of research on health warning labels located on alcohol containers (AWLs)
was conducted. Using five search engines (Embase, Medline, Pubmed, Scopus, Psyinfo) …
was conducted. Using five search engines (Embase, Medline, Pubmed, Scopus, Psyinfo) …
Alcohol's harm to others: opportunities and challenges in a public health framework
KJ Karriker-Jaffe, R Room, N Giesbrecht… - Journal of studies on …, 2018 - jsad.com
The emergent and growing body of research on alcohol's harm to others (AHTO), or
secondhand effects of drinking, has important implications for prevention, intervention, and …
secondhand effects of drinking, has important implications for prevention, intervention, and …
Beverage consumption and energy intake among Canadians: analyses of 2004 and 2015 national dietary intake data
Background Among adults and children consuming Western diets, beverages are significant
sources of free sugars, saturated fats, excess calories, and alcohol, with relevance to chronic …
sources of free sugars, saturated fats, excess calories, and alcohol, with relevance to chronic …
Cannabis legalization, regulation, & control: a review of key challenges for local, state, and provincial officials
JP Caulkins, ML Kilborn - The American Journal of Drug and …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Background: A number of countries are legalizing the supply of cannabis or are considering
doing so. Beyond top-level design questions (eg, who gets to supply and how will it be …
doing so. Beyond top-level design questions (eg, who gets to supply and how will it be …
Global alcohol markets: Evolving consumption patterns, regulations, and industrial organizations
For millennia, alcoholic drinks have played an important role in food security and health
(both positive and negative), but consumption patterns of beer, wine, and spirits have altered …
(both positive and negative), but consumption patterns of beer, wine, and spirits have altered …
Alcohol: taking a population perspective
Alcohol consumption is a global phenomenon, as is the resultant health, social and
economic harm. The nature of these harms varies with different drinking patterns and with …
economic harm. The nature of these harms varies with different drinking patterns and with …
Relationships between minimum alcohol pricing and crime during the partial privatization of a Canadian government alcohol monopoly
Objective: The purpose of this study was to estimate the independent effects of increases in
minimum alcohol prices and densities of private liquor stores on crime outcomes in British …
minimum alcohol prices and densities of private liquor stores on crime outcomes in British …
[HTML][HTML] Government options to reduce the impact of alcohol on human health: obstacles to effective policy implementation
T Stockwell, N Giesbrecht, K Vallance, A Wettlaufer - Nutrients, 2021 - mdpi.com
Evidence for effective government policies to reduce exposure to alcohol's carcinogenic and
hepatoxic effects has strengthened in recent decades. Policies with the strongest evidence …
hepatoxic effects has strengthened in recent decades. Policies with the strongest evidence …
[КНИГА][B] Alcohol, power and public health: A comparative study of alcohol policy
S Butler, K Elmeland, B Thom, J Nicholls - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
In recent years, the reduction of alcohol-related harm has emerged as a major policy issue
across Europe. Public health advocates, supported by the World Health Organisation, have …
across Europe. Public health advocates, supported by the World Health Organisation, have …
The Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation project: Findings from a review of provincial and territorial alcohol policies
K Vallance, T Stockwell, A Wettlaufer… - Drug and Alcohol …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Introduction Effective alcohol control measures can prevent and reduce alcohol‐related
harms at the population level. This study aims to evaluate implementation of alcohol policies …
harms at the population level. This study aims to evaluate implementation of alcohol policies …