How do expectations shape perception?
Perception and perceptual decision-making are strongly facilitated by prior knowledge about
the probabilistic structure of the world. While the computational benefits of using prior …
the probabilistic structure of the world. While the computational benefits of using prior …
Evaluating the neurophysiological evidence for predictive processing as a model of perception
For many years, the dominant theoretical framework guiding research into the neural origins
of perceptual experience has been provided by hierarchical feedforward models, in which …
of perceptual experience has been provided by hierarchical feedforward models, in which …
[HTML][HTML] Theories of error back-propagation in the brain
This review article summarises recently proposed theories on how neural circuits in the
brain could approximate the error back-propagation algorithm used by artificial neural …
brain could approximate the error back-propagation algorithm used by artificial neural …
The empirical status of predictive coding and active inference
Research on predictive processing models has focused largely on two specific algorithmic
theories: Predictive Coding for perception and Active Inference for decision-making. While …
theories: Predictive Coding for perception and Active Inference for decision-making. While …
Layer and rhythm specificity for predictive routing
In predictive coding, experience generates predictions that attenuate the feeding forward of
predicted stimuli while passing forward unpredicted “errors.” Different models have …
predicted stimuli while passing forward unpredicted “errors.” Different models have …
[HTML][HTML] Interoceptive inference, emotion, and the embodied self
The concept of the brain as a prediction machine has enjoyed a resurgence in the context of
the Bayesian brain and predictive coding approaches within cognitive science. To date, this …
the Bayesian brain and predictive coding approaches within cognitive science. To date, this …
Canonical microcircuits for predictive coding
This Perspective considers the influential notion of a canonical (cortical) microcircuit in light
of recent theories about neuronal processing. Specifically, we conciliate quantitative studies …
of recent theories about neuronal processing. Specifically, we conciliate quantitative studies …
The perceptual prediction paradox
From the noisy information bombarding our senses, our brains must construct percepts that
are veridical–reflecting the true state of the world–and informative–conveying what we did …
are veridical–reflecting the true state of the world–and informative–conveying what we did …
Expectation in perceptual decision making: neural and computational mechanisms
Sensory signals are highly structured in both space and time. These structural regularities in
visual information allow expectations to form about future stimulation, thereby facilitating …
visual information allow expectations to form about future stimulation, thereby facilitating …
Precise minds in uncertain worlds: predictive coding in autism.
There have been numerous attempts to explain the enigma of autism, but existing
neurocognitive theories often provide merely a refined description of 1 cluster of symptoms …
neurocognitive theories often provide merely a refined description of 1 cluster of symptoms …