Impact of structured clinical handover protocol on communication and patient satisfaction

S Ghosh, L Ramamoorthy… - Journal of patient …, 2021 -
The Handover process is an essential aspect of patient care in daily clinical practice to
ensure continuity of patient care. Standardization of clinical handover may reduce sentinel …

[HTML][HTML] Patient safety in medical imaging: A joint paper of the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS)

European Society of Radiology (ESR - Radiography, 2019 - Elsevier
The fundamental professional roles of radiographers and radiologists are focused on
providing benefit to patients with our skills, while maintaining their safety at all times. There …

Penggunaan metode SBAR untuk komunikasi efektif antara tenaga kesehatan dalam konteks klinis

LV Christina - KELUWIH: Jurnal Kesehatan Dan Kedokteran, 2021 -
Kolaborasi interprofesional merupakan suatu kerja sama dalam pelayanan kesehatan
antara profesional kesehatan yang memiliki latar belakang pendidikan berbeda. Dalam …

The SBAR tool for communication and patient safety in gynaecology and obstetrics: a Tunisian pilot study

D Toumi, W Dhouib, I Zouari, I Ghadhab, M Gara… - BMC Medical …, 2024 - Springer
Background In healthcare, inadequate communication among providers and insufficient
information transmission represent primary contributors to adverse events, particularly in …

The use of SBAR as a structured communication tool in the pediatric non-acute care setting: bridge or barrier for interprofessional collaboration?

E Coolen, R Engbers, J Draaisma… - Journal of …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation) is a
structured method developed for communicating critical information that requires immediate …

Assessing satisfaction in simulation among nursing students: psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Simulation Experience-Italian Version scale

S Alberti, M Guasconi, M Bolzoni, G Donnini, P Volpi… - BMC nursing, 2024 - Springer
Abstract Background The Satisfaction with Simulation Experience scale is a 5-point Likert
scale that measures students' satisfaction in medium and high-fidelity simulation scenarios …

[HTML][HTML] SBAR method for improving well-being in the internal medicine unit: Quasi-experimental research

MC Martínez-Fernández, S Castiñeiras-Martín… - International journal of …, 2022 -
SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) is a tool for standardizing
and improving interprofessional communication. This study aims to explore the impact of …

Building a handoff communication virtual experience for nursing students using virtual humans

J Stuart, K Aul, MD Bumbach… - CIN: Computers …, 2021 -
Effective communication among healthcare professionals is critical to delivering safe, high-
quality patient care. One important real-world skill that nursing students must acquire is …

Nano-architectonics of antibiotic-loaded polymer particles as vehicles for active molecules

N Forna, D Damir, LD Duceac, MG Dabija, G Calin… - Applied Sciences, 2022 -
Recently, nanotechnology research studies have been proven that use of various
nanoparticles as drug delivery systems to target and to annihilate pathogenic …

Newly graduate nurse perception and experience of clinical handover

JYS Chung, WHC Li, LLK Ho, AT Cheung… - Nurse Education …, 2021 - Elsevier
Background Clinical handover is challenging for newly graduated nurses. Previous studies
have showed that many new graduates perform handover ineffectively and unsystematically; …