[PDF][PDF] Digital divide in UK education during COVID-19 pandemic: Literature review
T Coleman - 2021 - repository.cam.ac.uk
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented effect on education worldwide.
Countries around the world have had to go into lockdown, leading to widespread school …
Countries around the world have had to go into lockdown, leading to widespread school …
Comprehensively summarizing what distracts students from online learning: A literature review
C Wang - Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
As online learning becomes an indispensable component of the current education system,
students benefit from the advantages of online education. At the same time, students are …
students benefit from the advantages of online education. At the same time, students are …
[HTML][HTML] Modeling teachers' and students' attitudes, emotions, and perceptions in blended education: Towards post-pandemic education
Literature on post-pandemic education suggests blended learning as a new balanced
education approach. However, little is known about teachers' and students' attitudes …
education approach. However, little is known about teachers' and students' attitudes …
[HTML][HTML] A survey on big data-enabled innovative online education systems during the COVID-19 pandemic
With the spread of COVID-19 around the world, the education industry faces enormous
challenges. Some colleges and universities have launched online teaching. Comprehensive …
challenges. Some colleges and universities have launched online teaching. Comprehensive …
Hybrid flexible (HyFlex) teaching and learning: climbing the mountain of implementation challenges for synchronous online and face-to-face seminars during a …
Abstract In 2020, King's College London introduced HyFlex teaching as a means to
supplement online and face-to-face teaching and to respond to Covid-19 restrictions. This …
supplement online and face-to-face teaching and to respond to Covid-19 restrictions. This …
Determinants of the digital outcome divide in E-learning between rural and urban students: Empirical evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic based on capital theory
L Zhao, C Cao, Y Li, Y Li - Computers in Human Behavior, 2022 - Elsevier
Digital outcome divide, the inequality of the outcomes of exploiting and benefitting from the
ICT access and usage, has been raised as a severe concern of the e-learning practices …
ICT access and usage, has been raised as a severe concern of the e-learning practices …
Interaction during online classes fosters engagement with learning and self-directed study both in the first and second years of the COVID-19 pandemic
C Gherghel, S Yasuda, Y Kita - Computers & Education, 2023 - Elsevier
Maintaining students' learning engagement was a challenge in emergency online education
during the pandemic. In this study, we investigated the predictors (social interaction) and …
during the pandemic. In this study, we investigated the predictors (social interaction) and …
[HTML][HTML] Education after the pandemic: What we have (not) learned about learning
During the pandemic, educational technologies have become an essential tool to provide
education at a distance. The paper outlines basic assumptions of research on the effects of …
education at a distance. The paper outlines basic assumptions of research on the effects of …
What really matters: Experiences of emergency remote teaching in university teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic and related lock downs have accelerated the need for online and
remote teaching within university settings. However, due to the abrupt nature of the …
remote teaching within university settings. However, due to the abrupt nature of the …
Is AI changing learning and assessment as we know it? Evidence from a ChatGPT experiment and a conceptual framework
ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art chatbot built upon Open AI's generative pre-trained transformer,
has generated a major public interest and caused quite a stir in the higher education sector …
has generated a major public interest and caused quite a stir in the higher education sector …