The Relationship between Burnout Syndrome and Boreout Syndrome of Secondary School Teachers during COVID-19.

C Radka - Journal of Pedagogical Research, 2021 - ERIC
Coronavirus incidence causes the adoption of strict restrictions by governments in most of
the countries. There were and still are public areas that are affected more than others …

The psychometric properties of a workplace boredom scale (DUBS) within the South African context

SM Van Wyk, LT De Beer, J Pienaar… - SA Journal of Industrial …, 2016 -
Orientation: Boredom at work has been shown to be a concern for individuals and
organisations. At the time of this research, no validated scale was available to measure and …

[PDF][PDF] Relationship between Academic Boredom, Learning Climate and Academic Motivation Among University Students.

S Khan, R Sadia, SZ Hayat, S Tahir - Pakistan Journal of …, 2019 -
The present research aimed at exploring the relationship between academic motivation,
learning climate (Autonomy supported) and academic boredom among university students …

Boredom in workplace and its relationship to life satisfaction among recreation and leisure professionals

J Lee, Z Wetzel - Tourism & Management Studies, 2023 -
This study examined the relationship between job boredom and life satisfaction among
recreation and leisure professionals. Data was collected from 365 members of Florida …

[PDF][PDF] Cuando el trabajo aburre: Análisis de las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Aburrimiento Laboral (EAL)

MM Lugo… - Revista Interamericana …, 2016 -
El aburrimiento laboral es un fenómeno psicosocial que puede afectar a las personas en su
trabajo y que se asocia con ambientes poco retadores y de baja estimulación. Para …

[PDF][PDF] Mediating role of boredom in the workplace on turnover intention: A proposed framework

M Teng, Z Hassan, M Kasa, NNM Nor… - International Journal of …, 2020 -
Boredom in the workplace is commonly described as one of the negative and widespread
phenomena where its increasing trend can be seen among employees on all occupational …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of despotic leadership on work alienation with the mediating of work boredom

N Nastiezaie, A Vahdani, A Porki… - International Journal …, 2022 -
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of despotic leadership on work
alienation with the mediating of work boredom. This study was a correlation research …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of emotional intelligence and job boredom proneness on counterproductive work behaviour

O Joe-Akunne Chiamaka… - Advances in Applied …, 2015 -
This study is based on Emotional Intelligence Dimensions and Job Boredom Proneness as
Predictors of Counterproductive Work Behaviour among local government employees. Two …

Investigating work engagement and affective commitment through a multi-dimensional work underload scale, mediated by work-related boredom

J Clemons - 2020 -
Previous research on workload has primarily approached work underload as
unidimensional focusing on either repetitive monotonous tasks or the employee's perception …

[PDF][PDF] The relationship between mental workload and job boredom proneness in female health care providers at Ardabil-based health centers–Iran 2019

M Abazari, M Feiz-Arefi, Z Atashi, H Sadeghi… - Pak J Med Health …, 2020 -
Background: Mental workload and job boredom proneness in female health care providers
attenuate the quality of provided health cares. The relationship between mental workload …