Koopman-based approach to nonintrusive projection-based reduced-order modeling with black-box high-fidelity models

SA Renganathan, Y Liu, DN Mavris - AIAA journal, 2018 - arc.aiaa.org
This paper presents a methodology that enables projection-based model reduction for black-
box high-fidelity models governing nonlinear static parametric systems. The methodology …

Reverse time migration by Krylov subspace reduced order modeling

HM Basir, A Javaherian, ZH Shomali… - Journal of Applied …, 2018 - Elsevier
Imaging is a key step in seismic data processing. To date, a myriad of advanced pre-stack
depth migration approaches have been developed; however, reverse time migration (RTM) …

Acoustic wave propagation simulation by reduced order modelling

HM Basir, A Javaherian, ZH Shomali… - Exploration …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Wave propagation simulation, as an essential part of many algorithms in seismic
exploration, is associated with high computational cost. Reduced order modelling (ROM) is …

A methodology for projection-based model reduction with black-box high-fidelity models

A Renganathan, DN Mavris - 17th AIAA Aviation Technology …, 2017 - arc.aiaa.org
This paper presents a methodology that enables projection-based model reduction for black-
box high-fidelity models such as commercial CFD codes. The methodology specifically …

[PDF][PDF] Identification of Structural and Aeroelastic Properties of a Computational ARW-2 Wing Model for Aeroelastic Optimization Applications

M Nikbay, A Aysan - Istanbul Technical University, 2009 - researchgate.net
We perform an aeroelastic optimization study based on ARW-2 (Aeroelastic Research Wing)
wing model for steady-state conditions while both aerodynamic and structural parameters …

[PDF][PDF] Unsteady aerodynamic analysis using boundary element method and continuous-time statespace modeling

M Mohammadi-Amin, B Ghadiri… - Modares Mechanical …, 2011 - clr.modares.ac.ir
In this paper a continuous-time state-space aerodynamic model has been developed based
on the boundary element method. First, boundary integral equations for unsteady potential …

[PDF][PDF] معادلات انتگرال مرزي براي حل حوزه زمان و مدل سازي رتبه کاسته آيروديناميک ناپاياي بال هاي نازک

محمدي امين ميثم, قديري بهزاد, حدادپور حسن‎ - sid.ir
در اين تحقيق با استفاده از معادلات انتگرال مرزي به مطالعه آيروديناميک ناپاياي بال هاي نازک
پرداخته شده است. هدف ايجاد بستر مناسب براي توسعه کاربرد روش اجزاي مرزي به برخي ترکيب …

Boundary Integral Equations for Time Domain Solution and Reduced Order Modeling of Thin Wings Unsteady Aerodynamics

M Mohammadi Amin, B Ghadiri, H Haddadpour - Journal of Aeronautical …, 2011 - joae.ir
In this research, thin wings unsteady aerodynamics has been investigated using boundary
integral equations. The purpose is to develop a proper basis for the extension of boundary …

Arw-2 Kanadının Çok Disiplinli Kod Eşleme İle Yapısal Tanımlanması Ve Statik Aeroelastik Optimizasyonu

A Aysan - polen.itu.edu.tr
Özet Son yıllarda, çok disiplinli tasarım analizleri ve optimizasyona olan ilgi oldukça
artmıştır. Bu çalışmada model olarak seçilen ARW-2 kanadı gibi literatürde geniş deneysel …


安效民 - 计算力学学报, 2014 - pubs.cstam.org.cn
传统气动弹性的时域计算耗费了大量时间, 为了提高计算效率, 本文发展了基于边界元方法的降
阶模型技术. 首先基于边界元方法建立非定常流场的求解模型, 结合特征值分析技术建立了非 …