Wintertime supraglacial lake drainage cascade triggers large‐scale ice flow response in Greenland
Surface melt forces summertime ice‐flow accelerations on glaciers and ice sheets. Here, we
show that large meltwater‐forced accelerations also occur during wintertime in Greenland …
show that large meltwater‐forced accelerations also occur during wintertime in Greenland …
[HTML][HTML] On the Green's function emergence from interferometry of seismic wave fields generated in high-melt glaciers: implications for passive imaging and monitoring
Ambient noise seismology has revolutionized seismic characterization of the Earth's crust
from local to global scales. The estimate of Green's function (GF) between two receivers …
from local to global scales. The estimate of Green's function (GF) between two receivers …
Ice cliff dynamics of debris-covered Trakarding glacier in the Rolwaling region, Nepal Himalaya
Ice cliffs can act as “hot spots” for melt on debris-covered glaciers and promote local glacier
mass loss. Repeat high-resolution remote-sensing data are therefore required to monitor the …
mass loss. Repeat high-resolution remote-sensing data are therefore required to monitor the …
Ross Ice Shelf displacement and elastic plate waves induced by Whillans Ice Stream slip events
Ice shelves are assumed to flow steadily from their grounding lines to the ice front. We report
the detection of ice‐propagating extensional Lamb (plate) waves accompanied by pulses of …
the detection of ice‐propagating extensional Lamb (plate) waves accompanied by pulses of …
Analysis of micro-seismicity in sea ice with deep learning and Bayesian inference: application to high-resolution thickness monitoring
In the perspective of upcoming seasonally ice-free Arctic, understanding the dynamics of
sea ice in the changing climate is a major challenge in oceanography and climatology. In …
sea ice in the changing climate is a major challenge in oceanography and climatology. In …
Toward the acoustic detection of two‐phase flow patterns and Helmholtz resonators in englacial drainage systems
EA Podolskiy - Geophysical Research Letters, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Passive acoustic monitoring has revolutionized the characterization of industrial processes
and the acoustic wavefield in various environments. However, cryospheric acoustic …
and the acoustic wavefield in various environments. However, cryospheric acoustic …
Towards the systematic reconnaissance of seismic signals from glaciers and ice sheets–Part 2: Unsupervised learning for source process characterization
Given the high number and diversity of events in a typical cryoseismic dataset, in particular
those recorded on ice sheet margins, it is desirable to use a semi-automated method of …
those recorded on ice sheet margins, it is desirable to use a semi-automated method of …
Environment‐modulated glacial seismicity near Dålk Glacier in East Antarctica revealed by deep clustering
Over the past decades, seismic monitoring has been increasingly used to track glacial
activities associated with ice loss. Many seismological studies focus on West Antarctica …
activities associated with ice loss. Many seismological studies focus on West Antarctica …
[HTML][HTML] Impacts of post-depositional processing on nitrate isotopes in the snow and the overlying atmosphere at Summit, Greenland
The effect of post-depositional processing on the preservation of snow nitrate isotopes at
Summit, Greenland, remains a subject of debate and is relevant to the quantitative …
Summit, Greenland, remains a subject of debate and is relevant to the quantitative …
Long term analysis of cryoseismic events and associated ground thermal stress in Adventdalen, Svalbard
The small-aperture Spitsbergen seismic array (SPITS) has been in continuous operation at
Janssonhaugen for decades. The high Artic location in the Svalbard archipelago makes …
Janssonhaugen for decades. The high Artic location in the Svalbard archipelago makes …