[HTML][HTML] Towards a smart water city: A comprehensive review of applications, data requirements, and communication technologies for integrated management
Smart cities are an innovate concept for managing urban cities to enhance sustainability and
increase quality of life for citizens. Although urban water infrastructure (UWI) performs …
increase quality of life for citizens. Although urban water infrastructure (UWI) performs …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive review on the design and optimization of surface water quality monitoring networks
The surface water quality monitoring network (WQMN) is crucial for effective water
environment management. How to design an optimal monitoring network is an important …
environment management. How to design an optimal monitoring network is an important …
[HTML][HTML] Optimization problems in water distribution systems using Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II: An overview
TM Shirajuddin, NS Muhammad, J Abdullah - Ain Shams Engineering …, 2023 - Elsevier
The application of a genetic algorithm inspired multi-objectives optimization algorithms,
known as the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGAii) in solving optimization …
known as the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGAii) in solving optimization …
A parallel computing architecture based on cellular automata for hydraulic analysis of water distribution networks
Water distribution networks (WDNs) are one of the largest infrastructures in society. Various
methods for formulation and hydraulic analysis of water distribution networks, including …
methods for formulation and hydraulic analysis of water distribution networks, including …
Multi-criteria method for the realistic placement of water quality sensors on pipes of water distribution systems
This paper aims to solve three issues frequently present in the optimal placement of water
quality sensors for protecting water distribution systems (WDSs) from both accidental and …
quality sensors for protecting water distribution systems (WDSs) from both accidental and …
Deep fuzzy map** nonparametric model for real-time demand estimation in water distribution systems: A new perspective
Hydraulic modeling has been recognized as a valuable tool for improving the design,
operation, and management of water distribution systems (WDSs) as it allows engineers to …
operation, and management of water distribution systems (WDSs) as it allows engineers to …
Multi-objective optimal design of water distribution networks accounting for transient impacts
Transients are commonly triggered in urban water distribution networks (WDNs) due to daily
system management and operation. While these transients are unlikely to cause …
system management and operation. While these transients are unlikely to cause …
A comprehensive framework to evaluate hydraulic and water quality impacts of pipe breaks on water distribution systems
Pipe breaks have significant impacts on the hydraulic and water quality performance of
water distribution systems (WDSs). Therefore, it is important to evaluate these impacts for …
water distribution systems (WDSs). Therefore, it is important to evaluate these impacts for …
Assessing the global resilience of water quality sensor placement strategies within water distribution systems
Water quality sensors are often spatially distributed in water distribution systems (WDSs) to
detect contamination events and monitor quality parameters (eg, chlorine residual levels) …
detect contamination events and monitor quality parameters (eg, chlorine residual levels) …
Joint majorization of waterworks and secondary chlorination points considering the chloric odor and economic investment in the DWDS using machine learning and …
R Mao, K Zhang, Q Zhang, J Xu, C Cen, R Pan… - Water Research, 2022 - Elsevier
The traditional methods of increasing the chlorine disinfectant dosage in the drinking water
distribution system (DWDS) to control microorganisms and improve the safety of drinking …
distribution system (DWDS) to control microorganisms and improve the safety of drinking …