A novel FES strategy for poststroke rehabilitation based on the natural organization of neuromuscular control
The past decades have witnessed remarkable progress in neural technologies such as
functional electrical stimulation (FES) and their applications in neurorehabilitation and …
functional electrical stimulation (FES) and their applications in neurorehabilitation and …
Brain-controlled muscle stimulation for the restoration of motor function
Loss of the ability to move, as a consequence of spinal cord injury or neuromuscular
disorder, has devastating consequences for the paralyzed individual, and great economic …
disorder, has devastating consequences for the paralyzed individual, and great economic …
Nonlinear model predictive control of functional electrical stimulation
Minimizing the amount of electrical stimulation can potentially mitigate the adverse effects of
muscle fatigue during functional electrical stimulation (FES) induced limb movements. A …
muscle fatigue during functional electrical stimulation (FES) induced limb movements. A …
A hybrid knee exoskeleton using real-time ultrasound-based muscle fatigue assessment
Ultrasound-based state assessment of the human muscle during rehabilitation and its
integration into a hybrid exoskeleton comprising an functional electrical stimulation (FES) …
integration into a hybrid exoskeleton comprising an functional electrical stimulation (FES) …
Quantitative assessment of changes in muscle contractility due to fatigue during NMES: An ultrasound imaging approach
Objective: This paper investigates an ultrasound imaging-based non-invasive methodology
to quantitatively assess changes in muscle contractility due to the fatigue induced by …
to quantitatively assess changes in muscle contractility due to the fatigue induced by …
Further results on predictor-based control of neuromuscular electrical stimulation
Electromechanical delay (EMD) and uncertain nonlinear muscle dynamics can cause
destabilizing effects and performance loss during closed-loop control of neuromuscular …
destabilizing effects and performance loss during closed-loop control of neuromuscular …
Feedback control of functional electrical stimulation for 2-D arm reaching movements
Functional electrical stimulation (FES) can be used as a neuroprosthesis in which muscles
are stimulated by electrical pulses to compensate for the loss of voluntary movement control …
are stimulated by electrical pulses to compensate for the loss of voluntary movement control …
Hindsight experience replay improves reinforcement learning for control of a MIMO musculoskeletal model of the human arm
High-level spinal cord injuries often result in paralysis of all four limbs, leading to decreased
patient independence and quality of life. Coordinated functional electrical stimulation (FES) …
patient independence and quality of life. Coordinated functional electrical stimulation (FES) …
Restoration of complex movement in the paralyzed upper limb
Objective. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) involves artificial activation of skeletal
muscles to reinstate motor function in paralyzed individuals. While FES applied to the upper …
muscles to reinstate motor function in paralyzed individuals. While FES applied to the upper …
A modified dynamic surface controller for delayed neuromuscular electrical stimulation
A widely accepted model of muscle force generation during neuromuscular electrical
stimulation (NMES) is a second-order nonlinear musculoskeletal dynamics cascaded to a …
stimulation (NMES) is a second-order nonlinear musculoskeletal dynamics cascaded to a …