Determinant maximization with linear matrix inequality constraints

L Vandenberghe, S Boyd, SP Wu - SIAM journal on matrix analysis and …, 1998 - SIAM
The problem of maximizing the determinant of a matrix subject to linear matrix inequalities
(LMIs) arises in many fields, including computational geometry, statistics, system …

[KNIHA][B] Aspects of semidefinite programming: interior point algorithms and selected applications

E De Klerk - 2006 -
Semidefinite programming has been described as linear programming for the year 2000. It is
an exciting new branch of mathematical programming, due to important applications in …

Solving large-scale sparse semidefinite programs for combinatorial optimization

SJ Benson, Y Ye, X Zhang - SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2000 - SIAM
We present a dual-scaling interior-point algorithm and show how it exploits the structure and
sparsity of some large-scale problems. We solve the positive semidefinite relaxation of …

Algorithms and software for LMI problems in control

L Vandenberghe, V Balakrishnan - IEEE Control Systems …, 1997 -
A number of important problems from system and control theory can be numerically solved
by reformulating them as convex optimization problems with linear matrix inequality (LMI) …

[PDF][PDF] Using continuous nonlinear relaxations to solve. constrained maximum-entropy sampling problems

KM Anstreicher, M Fampa, J Lee, J Williams - Mathematical programming, 1999 - Citeseer
We consider a new nonlinear relaxation for the Constrained Maximum-Entropy Sampling
Problem {the problem of choosing the ss principal submatrix with maximal determinant from …

[PDF][PDF] Interior point methods for semidefinite programming

E De Klerk - 1997 -
This thesis deals with algorithms for a subclass of nonlinear, convex optimization problems,
namely semidefinite programs. In order place the topics which are dealt with in perspective …

Continuous relaxations for constrained maximum-entropy sampling

KM Anstreicher, M Fampa, J Lee, J Williams - Integer Programming and …, 1996 - Springer
We consider a new nonlinear relaxation for the Constrained Maximum Entropy Sampling
Problem—the problem of choosing the s× s principal submatrix with maximal determinant …

Semidefinite programming in the space of partial positive semidefinite matrices

S Burer - SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2003 - SIAM
We build upon the work of Fukuda et al. SIAM J. Optim., 11 (2001), pp. 647--674 and Nakata
et al. Math. Program., 95 (2003), pp. 303--327, in which the theory of partial positive …

Semidefinite programming

MV Ramana, PM Pardalos - Interior point methods of mathematical …, 1996 - Springer
Let Sn be the space of nxn real symmetric matrices, and for A, BE Sn, A• B denotes the inner
product Li, j Aij Bij, and we write A~ B if AB is positive semidefinite. Suppose that Qo,..., Qm E …

Mixed linear and semidefinite programming for combinatorial and quadratic optimization

SJ Benson, Y Yeb, X Zhang - Optimization Methods and Software, 1999 - Taylor & Francis
We use the semidefinite relaxation to approximate combinatorial and quadratic optimization
problems subject to linear, quadratic, as well as boolean constraints. We present a dual …