Fast articulated motion tracking using a sums of gaussians body model
We present an approach for modeling the human body by Sums of spatial Gaussians (SoG),
allowing us to perform fast and high-quality markerless motion capture from multi-view video …
allowing us to perform fast and high-quality markerless motion capture from multi-view video …
Efficient convnet-based marker-less motion capture in general scenes with a low number of cameras
We present a novel method for accurate marker-less capture of articulated skeleton motion
of several subjects in general scenes, indoors and outdoors, even from input filmed with as …
of several subjects in general scenes, indoors and outdoors, even from input filmed with as …
A survey of human pose estimation: the body parts parsing based methods
Estimating human pose from videos and image sequences is not only an important
computer vision problem, but also plays very critical role in many real-world applications …
computer vision problem, but also plays very critical role in many real-world applications …
Motion capture from internet videos
Recent advances in image-based human pose estimation make it possible to capture 3D
human motion from a single RGB video. However, the inherent depth ambiguity and self …
human motion from a single RGB video. However, the inherent depth ambiguity and self …
Human pose estimation and activity recognition from multi-view videos: Comparative explorations of recent developments
This paper presents a review and comparative study of recent multi-view approaches for
human 3D pose estimation and activity recognition. We discuss the application domain of …
human 3D pose estimation and activity recognition. We discuss the application domain of …
Dynamic multi-person mesh recovery from uncalibrated multi-view cameras
Dynamic multi-person mesh recovery has been a hot topic in 3D vision recently. However,
few works focus on the multi-person motion capture from uncalibrated cameras, which …
few works focus on the multi-person motion capture from uncalibrated cameras, which …
Dynamical binary latent variable models for 3d human pose tracking
We introduce a new class of probabilistic latent variable model called the Implicit Mixture of
Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines (imCRBM) for use in human pose tracking. Key …
Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines (imCRBM) for use in human pose tracking. Key …
Coupled action recognition and pose estimation from multiple views
Action recognition and pose estimation are two closely related topics in understanding
human body movements; information from one task can be leveraged to assist the other, yet …
human body movements; information from one task can be leveraged to assist the other, yet …
Marconi—convnet-based marker-less motion capture in outdoor and indoor scenes
Marker-less motion capture has seen great progress, but most state-of-the-art approaches
fail to reliably track articulated human body motion with a very low number of cameras, let …
fail to reliably track articulated human body motion with a very low number of cameras, let …
Markerless motion capture of multiple characters using multiview image segmentation
Capturing the skeleton motion and detailed time-varying surface geometry of multiple,
closely interacting peoples is a very challenging task, even in a multicamera setup, due to …
closely interacting peoples is a very challenging task, even in a multicamera setup, due to …