Polymer brushes: Synthesis, characterization, properties and applications

AM Bhayo, Y Yang, X He - Progress in Materials Science, 2022 - Elsevier
Polymer brushes are thin polymer films in which the individual polymer chains are tethered
by one chain end to a solid interface. The bulk and solution properties of these highly …

Transition metal-catalyzed living radical polymerization: toward perfection in catalysis and precision polymer synthesis

M Ouchi, T Terashima, M Sawamoto - Chemical Reviews, 2009 - ACS Publications
Precision control of radical polymerization, or living radical polymerization, has been among
the most important and long-waited subjects in polymer chemistry and macromolecular …

Stimuli-responsive molecular brushes

H Lee, J Pietrasik, SS Sheiko… - Progress in polymer …, 2010 - Elsevier
Molecular brushes are composed of a flexible backbone and densely grafted side chains.
The conformation of molecular brushes is governed by side chains separated by a distance …

Polyacrylic acid-based drug delivery systems: A comprehensive review on the state-of-art

G Dalei, S Das - Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2022 - Elsevier
Polyacrylic acid (PAA)-based drug carrier systems have garnered much significance
towards the delivery of various therapeutic agents via different administration routes for the …

From precision synthesis of block copolymers to properties and applications of nanoparticles

X Li, J Iocozzia, Y Chen, S Zhao, X Cui… - Angewandte Chemie …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Inorganic nanoparticles have become a research focus in numerous fields because of their
unique properties that distinguish them from their bulk counterparts. Controlling the size and …

[HTML][HTML] Core cross-linked star polymers via controlled radical polymerisation

A Blencowe, JF Tan, TK Goh, GG Qiao - Polymer, 2009 - Elsevier
Star polymers are comprised of multiple arms or branches radiating from a central point or
core and have been of huge scientific interest since they were first prepared sixty years ago …

Natural cyclodextrins and their derivatives for polymer synthesis

MA Przybyla, G Yilmaz, CR Becer - Polymer Chemistry, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
Cyclodextrins (CDs) are a family of cyclic oligosaccharides with a hydrophilic exterior
surface and a nonpolar cavity interior, therefore, CDs can form inclusion complexes through …

Tuning the Thermoresponsive Properties of Weak Polyelectrolytes:  Aqueous Solutions of Star-Shaped and Linear Poly(N,N-dimethylaminoethyl Methacrylate)

FA Plamper, M Ruppel, A Schmalz, O Borisov… - …, 2007 - ACS Publications
We investigated the thermoresponsive behavior of aqueous solutions of star-shaped and
linear poly (N, N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate)(PDMAEMA). The observed cloud points …

Nano‐star‐shaped polymers for drug delivery applications

DP Yang, MNNL Oo, GR Deen, Z Li… - Macromolecular rapid …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
With the advancement of polymer engineering, complex star‐shaped polymer architectures
can be synthesized with ease, bringing about a host of unique properties and applications …

Simulations of ionization equilibria in weak polyelectrolyte solutions and gels

J Landsgesell, L Nová, O Rud, F Uhlík, D Sean… - Soft Matter, 2019 - pubs.rsc.org
This article recapitulates the state of the art regarding simulations of ionization equilibria of
weak polyelectrolyte solutions and gels. We start out by reviewing the essential …