[HTML][HTML] 知识图谱数据管理研究综述

王鑫, 邹磊, 王朝坤, 彭鹏, 冯志勇 - 2019 - html.rhhz.net
知识图谱是人工智能的重要基石. 各领域大规模知识图谱的构建和发布对知识图谱数据管理提出
了新的挑战. 以数据模型的结构和操作要素为主线, 对目前的知识图谱数据管理理论, 方法 …

Advances in MapReduce big data processing: platform, tools, and algorithms

L Abualigah, BA Masri - Artificial intelligence and IoT: Smart convergence …, 2021 - Springer
This paper reviews the research progress of big data processing platforms and algorithms
based on MapReduce programming model in recent years. Firstly, 12 typical ones are …

Big data storage technology for smart distribution grid based on neo4j graph database

P Shi, G Fan, S Li, D Kou - 2021 IEEE 4th International …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the smart distribution grid, deep integration of power system and information system is the
development direction. In order to effectively excavate the potential value of massive data …

[PDF][PDF] 云数据管理索引技术研究

马友忠, 孟小峰 - 软件学报, 2015 - idke.ruc.edu.cn
摘要数据的爆炸式增长给传统的关系型数据库带来了巨大的挑战, 使其在扩展性,
容错性等方面遇到了瓶颈. 而云计算技术依靠其高扩展性, 高可用性, 容错性等特点 …

Effectiveness of using pluralist methodology in information system adoption studies: Position paper: Is qualitative—Quantitative method

NI Solorzano, L Sanzogni… - Asia-Pacific World …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Information Systems Adoption is a multi-faceted and complex investigation area that can
cross disciplinary boundaries, combine multiple research methods and consider different …

[PDF][PDF] Smart glasshouse system supported by global system for mobile communications and internet of things: case study: tomato plant

AJ Ramadhan - Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2020 - researchgate.net
This paper proposes a new system for remotely monitoring and automatically controlling the
temperature, humidity levels, and soil moisture content in glasshouses to help increase crop …

[ΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ][C] MapReduce 大数据处理**台与算法研究进展

宋杰, 孙宗哲, 毛克明, 鲍玉斌, 于戈 - 软件学报, 2017

[ΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ][C] 基于 Hadoop 的智能电网状态监测数据存储研究

刘树仁, 宋亚奇, 朱永利, 王德文 - 计算机科学, 2013

[ΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ][C] 电力设备状态高速采样数据的云存储技术研究

宋亚奇, 刘树仁, 朱永利, 王德文, **莉 - 电力自动化设备, 2013

[ΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ][C] 农业云大数据自组织推送关键技术综述

郭**, 刘波, 沈岳 - 软件, 2013