Low field magnetotransport in manganites
PK Siwach, HK Singh… - Journal of Physics …, 2008 - iopscience.iop.org
The perovskite manganites with generic formula RE 1− x AE x MnO 3 (RE= rare earth, AE=
Ca, Sr, Ba and Pb) have drawn considerable attention, especially following the discovery of …
Ca, Sr, Ba and Pb) have drawn considerable attention, especially following the discovery of …
Mesoscopic percolating resistance network in a strained manganite thin film
Many unusual behaviors in complex oxides are deeply associated with the spontaneous
emergence of microscopic phase separation. Depending on the underlying mechanism, the …
emergence of microscopic phase separation. Depending on the underlying mechanism, the …
A microscopic view on the Mott transition in chromium-doped V2O3
V2O3 is the prototype system for the Mott transition, one of the most fundamental
phenomena of electronic correlation. Temperature, do** or pressure induce a metal-to …
phenomena of electronic correlation. Temperature, do** or pressure induce a metal-to …
Origin of colossal magnetoresistance in LaMnO3 manganite
Phase separation is a crucial ingredient of the physics of manganites; however, the role of
mixed phases in the development of the colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) phenomenon …
mixed phases in the development of the colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) phenomenon …
Electronic phase separation in correlated oxides: the phenomenon, its present status and future prospects
Many transition metal oxide materials of high chemical purity are not necessarily
monophasic. Thus, single crystals of chemically pure rare earth manganites and cobaltates …
monophasic. Thus, single crystals of chemically pure rare earth manganites and cobaltates …
Evidence of a magnetic glass state in the magnetocaloric material
We demonstrate the kinetic arrest of the first-order phase transition from the high-
temperature antiferromagnetic state to the ferromagnetic ground state in zero and low …
temperature antiferromagnetic state to the ferromagnetic ground state in zero and low …
microARPES and nanoARPES at diffraction-limited light sources: opportunities and performance gains
The scientific opportunities for microARPES and nanoARPES techniques are discussed,
and the benefits to these techniques at diffraction-limited light sources are presented, in …
and the benefits to these techniques at diffraction-limited light sources are presented, in …
Coexisting tunable fractions of glassy and equilibrium long-range-order phases inmanganites
Abstract Antiferromagnetic-insulating (AF-I) and ferromagnetic-metallic (FM-M) phases
coexist in various half-doped manganites over a range of temperature and magnetic field …
coexist in various half-doped manganites over a range of temperature and magnetic field …
Electronic phase separation and other novel phenomena and properties exhibited by mixed-valent rare-earth manganites and related materials
Transition metal oxides, such as the mixed-valent rare-earth manganites Ln (1− x) A x MnO3
(Ln, rare-earth ion, and A, alkaline-earth ion), show a variety of electronic orders with …
(Ln, rare-earth ion, and A, alkaline-earth ion), show a variety of electronic orders with …
Evolution and control of the phase competition morphology in a manganite film
The competition among different phases in perovskite manganites is pronounced since their
energies are very close under the interplay of charge, spin, orbital and lattice degrees of …
energies are very close under the interplay of charge, spin, orbital and lattice degrees of …