Porphyry indicator zircons (PIZs): Application to exploration of porphyry copper deposits
Magmas with a high oxidation state (FMQ+ 1 to+ 2), a high-water content (≥ 4 wt% H 2 O)
and a high degree of fractionation are necessary to form porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) …
and a high degree of fractionation are necessary to form porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) …
Apatite and zircon geochemistry of Jurassic porphyries in the **ongcun district, southern Gangdese porphyry copper belt: Implications for petrogenesis and …
F **e, J Tang, Y Chen, X Lang - Ore Geology Reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
The **ongcun district, a unique area where oxidized porphyry copper-gold deposits (OPCD)
and reduced porphyry copper-gold deposits (RPCD) coexist, is located in the central part of …
and reduced porphyry copper-gold deposits (RPCD) coexist, is located in the central part of …
In situ geochemical composition of apatite in granitoids from the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: A window into petrogenesis
CY Sun, PA Cawood, WL Xu, XM Zhang, J Tang… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2022 - Elsevier
The compositional record of accessory minerals can provide insights into the character and
petrogenesis of the parental magma. We demonstrate apatite's applicability to petrogenetic …
petrogenesis of the parental magma. We demonstrate apatite's applicability to petrogenetic …
Apatite trace element composition as an indicator of ore deposit types: A machine learning approach
The diverse suite of trace elements incorporated into apatite in ore-forming systems has
important applications in petrogenesis studies of mineral deposits. Trace element variations …
important applications in petrogenesis studies of mineral deposits. Trace element variations …
Elevated magmatic sulfur and chlorine contents in ore-forming magmas at the Red Chris porphyry Cu-Au deposit, northern British Columbia, Canada
Abstract The Red Chris porphyry Cu-Au deposit is located in the Stikinia island-arc terrane
in northwest British Columbia. It is hosted by the Red Stock, which has five phases of …
in northwest British Columbia. It is hosted by the Red Stock, which has five phases of …
Zircon and apatite geochemical constraints on the formation of the Huojihe porphyry Mo deposit in the Lesser **ng'an Range, NE China
Northeastern China is an important Mo resource region in China, with more than 80 Mo
deposits and occurrences. The Huojihe deposit located in the Lesser **ng'an Range …
deposits and occurrences. The Huojihe deposit located in the Lesser **ng'an Range …
Constraints on the formation of the giant Daheishan porphyry Mo deposit (NE China) from whole-rock and accessory mineral geochemistry
There are more than 80 porphyry (or skarn) Mo deposits in northeastern China with Jurassic
or Cretaceous ages. These are thought to have formed mainly in a continental arc setting …
or Cretaceous ages. These are thought to have formed mainly in a continental arc setting …
Magmatic evolution and post-crystallization hydrothermal activity in the early Cretaceous **tan intrusive complex, SE China: records from apatite geochemistry
We conducted in situ geochemical (major-, trace-element and Nd isotope compositions)
analyses on apatite, together with whole-rock geochemistry from gabbro, granodiorite and …
analyses on apatite, together with whole-rock geochemistry from gabbro, granodiorite and …
Using apatite to differentiate metallogenic potential and environment of granitic rocks: A case study from the Tongshanling W-Sn-Cu-Pb-Zn ore field, Nanling Range …
The Tongshanling ore field is one of the most representative W–Sn–Cu–Pb–Zn polymetallic
deposits in the central-western Nanling Ore Belt, which developed multiple mineralization …
deposits in the central-western Nanling Ore Belt, which developed multiple mineralization …
Apatite fingerprints on the magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the Daheishan giant porphyry Mo deposit, NE China
Porphyry deposits are the main source for global Cu and Mo production. The generation of
hydrous silicate magmas and subsequent separation of volatile-rich magmatic fluids with …
hydrous silicate magmas and subsequent separation of volatile-rich magmatic fluids with …