The Neotoma Paleoecology Database, a multiproxy, international, community-curated data resource
The Neotoma Paleoecology Database is a community-curated data resource that supports
interdisciplinary global change research by enabling broad-scale studies of taxon and …
interdisciplinary global change research by enabling broad-scale studies of taxon and …
Pleistocene overkill and North American mammalian extinctions
Clovis groups in Late Pleistocene North America occasionally hunted several now extinct
large mammals. But whether their hunting drove 37 genera of animals to extinction has been …
large mammals. But whether their hunting drove 37 genera of animals to extinction has been …
Reframing the mammoth steppe: insights from analysis of isotopic niches
Woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), horse (Equus spp.) and bison (Bison spp.)
coexisted with a variety of mammalian megafauna across the Pleistocene mammoth steppe …
coexisted with a variety of mammalian megafauna across the Pleistocene mammoth steppe …
Collapse of the mammoth-steppe in central Yukon as revealed by ancient environmental DNA
The temporal and spatial coarseness of megafaunal fossil records complicates attempts to to
disentangle the relative impacts of climate change, ecosystem restructuring, and human …
disentangle the relative impacts of climate change, ecosystem restructuring, and human …
Mammoth featured heavily in Western Clovis diet
Ancient Native American ancestors (Clovis) have been interpreted as either specialized
megafauna hunters or generalist foragers. Supporting data are typically indirect (toolkits …
megafauna hunters or generalist foragers. Supporting data are typically indirect (toolkits …
Population reconstructions for humans and megafauna suggest mixed causes for North American Pleistocene extinctions
Dozens of large mammals such as mammoth and mastodon disappeared in North America
at the end of the Pleistocene with climate change and “overkill” by human hunters the most …
at the end of the Pleistocene with climate change and “overkill” by human hunters the most …
Ancient horse genomes reveal the timing and extent of dispersals across the Bering Land Bridge
Abstract The Bering Land Bridge (BLB) last connected Eurasia and North America during
the Late Pleistocene. Although the BLB would have enabled transfers of terrestrial biota in …
the Late Pleistocene. Although the BLB would have enabled transfers of terrestrial biota in …
A new genus of horse from Pleistocene North America
The extinct 'New World stilt-legged', or NWSL, equids constitute a perplexing group of
Pleistocene horses endemic to North America. Their slender distal limb bones resemble …
Pleistocene horses endemic to North America. Their slender distal limb bones resemble …
Reorganization of surviving mammal communities after the end-Pleistocene megafaunal extinction
Large mammals are at high risk of extinction globally. To understand the consequences of
their demise for community assembly, we tracked community structure through the end …
their demise for community assembly, we tracked community structure through the end …
Climate‐driven ecological stability as a globally shared cause of Late Quaternary megafaunal extinctions: the Plaids and Stripes Hypothesis
Controversy persists about why so many large‐bodied mammal species went extinct around
the end of the last ice age. Resolving this is important for understanding extinction …
the end of the last ice age. Resolving this is important for understanding extinction …