The updated Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research based on user feedback
LJ Damschroder, CM Reardon, MAO Widerquist… - Implementation …, 2022 - Springer
Background Many implementation efforts fail, even with highly developed plans for
execution, because contextual factors can be powerful forces working against …
execution, because contextual factors can be powerful forces working against …
Using normalization process theory in feasibility studies and process evaluations of complex healthcare interventions: a systematic review
Abstract Background Normalization Process Theory (NPT) identifies, characterises and
explains key mechanisms that promote and inhibit the implementation, embedding and …
explains key mechanisms that promote and inhibit the implementation, embedding and …
Barriers and strategies in guideline implementation—a sco** review
Research indicates that clinical guidelines are often not applied. The success of their
implementation depends on the consideration of a variety of barriers and the use of …
implementation depends on the consideration of a variety of barriers and the use of …
PARIHS revisited: from heuristic to integrated framework for the successful implementation of knowledge into practice
Abstract Background The Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services,
or PARIHS framework, was first published in 1998. Since this time, work has been ongoing …
or PARIHS framework, was first published in 1998. Since this time, work has been ongoing …
[HTML][HTML] Current evidence on risk factors for knee osteoarthritis in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
V Silverwood, M Blagojevic-Bucknall, C **ks… - Osteoarthritis and …, 2015 - Elsevier
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a leading cause of pain and disability and leads to a reduced quality of
life. The aim was to determine the current evidence on risk factors for onset of knee pain/OA …
life. The aim was to determine the current evidence on risk factors for onset of knee pain/OA …
Implementation strategies: recommendations for specifying and reporting
Implementation strategies have unparalleled importance in implementation science, as they
constitute the 'how to'component of changing healthcare practice. Yet, implementation …
constitute the 'how to'component of changing healthcare practice. Yet, implementation …
Knowledge translation of research findings
Background One of the most consistent findings from clinical and health services research is
the failure to translate research into practice and policy. As a result of these evidence …
the failure to translate research into practice and policy. As a result of these evidence …
Can network theory-based targeting increase technology adoption?
Can targeting information to network-central farmers induce more adoption of a new
agricultural technology? By combining social network data and a field experiment in 200 …
agricultural technology? By combining social network data and a field experiment in 200 …
Opinion leader detection: A methodological review
A social network as an essential communication platform facilitates the interactions of online
users. Based on the interactions, users can influence or be affected by the opinions of …
users. Based on the interactions, users can influence or be affected by the opinions of …
Promoting professional behaviour change in healthcare: what interventions work, and why? A theory-led overview of systematic reviews
Objectives Translating research evidence into routine clinical practice is notoriously difficult.
Behavioural interventions are often used to change practice, although their success is …
Behavioural interventions are often used to change practice, although their success is …