[HTML][HTML] High temperature central tower plants for concentrated solar power: 2021 overview
Among the diverse technologies for producing clean energy through concentrated solar
power, central tower plants are believed to be the most promising in the next years. In these …
power, central tower plants are believed to be the most promising in the next years. In these …
Progress in research and technological advancements of commercial concentrated solar thermal power plants
A global transition towards more sustainable production and consumption systems is
underway. This transition process is particularly visible in energy systems, where modern …
underway. This transition process is particularly visible in energy systems, where modern …
Predicting the performance of solar dish Stirling power plant using a hybrid random vector functional link/chimp optimization model
Hybrid artificial intelligence models have become promising tools for soft computing and
computational intelligence, as they can deal with complicated sustainable systems such as …
computational intelligence, as they can deal with complicated sustainable systems such as …
[HTML][HTML] Co-optimisation of the heliostat field and receiver for concentrated solar power plants
In a concentrated solar power (CSP) tower plant, it is essential to understand the
performance of the subsystem formed by the heliostat field and the receiver, operated with …
performance of the subsystem formed by the heliostat field and the receiver, operated with …
Review on the progress of solar water heaters and their future perspectives
A solar water heater (SWH) converts solar radiation into thermal energy for various
purposes, and its technology has experienced numerous developments. Many studies have …
purposes, and its technology has experienced numerous developments. Many studies have …
Solar collector with asymmetric compound parabolic concentrator for winter energy harvesting and summer overheating reduction: Concept and prototype device
X Chen, X Yang - Renewable Energy, 2021 - Elsevier
A major technical barrier of solar water heating systems for space heating and domestic
water usage is the mismatch between the seasonal availability of solar energy and demand …
water usage is the mismatch between the seasonal availability of solar energy and demand …
Optical and thermal investigation of hyperbolic cavity receiver with secondary reflector for solar parabolic dish collector
A hyperbolic-shaped cavity-type receiver with a second stage reflection for a 40 m 2 solar
parabolic dish concentrator (PDC) is presented in this paper, along with optical and thermal …
parabolic dish concentrator (PDC) is presented in this paper, along with optical and thermal …
A comprehensive review on performance assessment of solar cavity receiver with parabolic dish collector
Cavity receiver integrated with parabolic dish collector is an essential component of the
solar thermal energy conversion process for high-temperature applications, such as power …
solar thermal energy conversion process for high-temperature applications, such as power …
MDBA: An accurate and efficient method for aiming heliostats
In a solar power tower plant, the role of the heliostat aiming strategy is to control the radiative
flux distribution at the receiver surface to avoid thermally induced damage, while minimising …
flux distribution at the receiver surface to avoid thermally induced damage, while minimising …
Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal performance of a new design solar parabolic dish desalination system
The objective of the present study is to construct a cheap, new design of small-scale solar
parabolic dish desalination system made from reused local recyclable materials without …
parabolic dish desalination system made from reused local recyclable materials without …