[HTML][HTML] Urban coral reefs: Degradation and resilience of hard coral assemblages in coastal cities of East and Southeast Asia
Given predicted increases in urbanization in tropical and subtropical regions, understanding
the processes sha** urban coral reefs may be essential for anticipating future …
the processes sha** urban coral reefs may be essential for anticipating future …
Environmental DNA can act as a biodiversity barometer of anthropogenic pressures in coastal ecosystems
Loss of biodiversity from lower to upper trophic levels reduces overall productivity and
stability of coastal ecosystems in our oceans, but rarely are these changes documented …
stability of coastal ecosystems in our oceans, but rarely are these changes documented …
Coastal ecological impacts from pumice rafts
An explosive volcanic eruption occurred in the Ogasawara Islands on 13–15 August 2021,
bringing unprecedented amounts of floating pumice to the coast of Okinawa Island in the …
bringing unprecedented amounts of floating pumice to the coast of Okinawa Island in the …
Spatial patterns of soft coral (Octocorallia) assemblages in the shallow coral reefs of Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan: Dominance on highly disturbed …
Soft corals (Octocorallia) are major and conspicuous benthic components of coral reefs in
the Indo-Pacific region. However, despite their major ecological roles, they are still generally …
the Indo-Pacific region. However, despite their major ecological roles, they are still generally …
Artificial breakwaters as garbage bins: structural complexity enhances anthropogenic litter accumulation in marine intertidal habitats
Coastal urban infrastructures are proliferating across the world, but knowledge about their
emergent impacts is still limited. Here, we provide evidence that urban artificial reefs have a …
emergent impacts is still limited. Here, we provide evidence that urban artificial reefs have a …
Diversity, composition and potential roles of sedimentary microbial communities in different coastal substrates around subtropical Okinawa Island, Japan
Background Marine benthic prokaryotic communities play crucial roles in material recycling
within coastal environments, including coral reefs. Coastal sedimentary microbiomes are …
within coastal environments, including coral reefs. Coastal sedimentary microbiomes are …
Expanding walls and shrinking beaches: loss of natural coastline in Okinawa Island, Japan
Okinawa is the largest and most populated island of the Ryukyu Archipelago in southern
Japan and is renowned for its natural resources and beauty. Similar as to what has been …
Japan and is renowned for its natural resources and beauty. Similar as to what has been …
Effects of watershed land use on coastal marine environments: A multiscale exploratory analysis with multiple biogeochemical indicators in fringing coral reefs of …
T Sakamaki, A Morita, S Touyama, Y Watanabe… - Marine pollution …, 2022 - Elsevier
The analytical spatial scale and selection of biogeochemical indicators affect interpretations
of land-use impacts on coastal marine environments. In this study, nine biogeochemical …
of land-use impacts on coastal marine environments. In this study, nine biogeochemical …
Marine Fish Passage—Underappreciated Threats to Connectivity Within the Marine Environment
Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to aquatic biodiversity loss. However, much of the
focus is on the connectivity of freshwaters, with much less attention given to marine …
focus is on the connectivity of freshwaters, with much less attention given to marine …
Digging for DNA at depth: rapid universal metabarcoding surveys (RUMS) as a tool to detect coral reef biodiversity across a depth gradient
Background Effective biodiversity monitoring is fundamental in tracking changes in
ecosystems as it relates to commercial, recreational, and conservation interests. Current …
ecosystems as it relates to commercial, recreational, and conservation interests. Current …