Locally uniform hashing
Hashing is a common technique used in data processing, with a strong impact on the time
and resources spent on computation. Hashing also affects the applicability of theoretical …
and resources spent on computation. Hashing also affects the applicability of theoretical …
Fairhash: A fair and memory/time-efficient hashmap
Hashmap is a fundamental data structure in computer science. There has been extensive
research on constructing hashmaps that minimize the number of collisions leading to …
research on constructing hashmaps that minimize the number of collisions leading to …
Understanding the moments of tabulation hashing via chaoses
Simple tabulation hashing dates back to Zobrist in 1970 and is defined as follows: Each key
is viewed as $ c $ characters from some alphabet $\Sigma $, we have $ c $ fully random …
is viewed as $ c $ characters from some alphabet $\Sigma $, we have $ c $ fully random …
Hashing for Sampling-Based Estimation
Hash-based sampling and estimation are common themes in computing. Using hashing for
sampling gives us the coordination needed to compare samples from different sets. Hashing …
sampling gives us the coordination needed to compare samples from different sets. Hashing …
A Fair and Memory/Time-efficient Hashmap
Hashmap is a fundamental data structure in computer science. There has been extensive
research on constructing hashmaps that minimize the number of collisions leading to …
research on constructing hashmaps that minimize the number of collisions leading to …
No repetition: Fast and reliable sampling with highly concentrated hashing
Stochastic sample-based estimators are among the most fundamental and universally
applied tools in statistics. Such estimators are particularly important when processing huge …
applied tools in statistics. Such estimators are particularly important when processing huge …
A sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform using fast hashing
The\emph {Sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform} of Kane and Nelson (SODA 2012)
provides a linear dimensionality-reducing map $ A\in\mathbb {R}^{m\times u} $ in $\ell_2 …
provides a linear dimensionality-reducing map $ A\in\mathbb {R}^{m\times u} $ in $\ell_2 …
No Repetition: Fast Streaming with Highly Concentrated Hashing
To get estimators that work within a certain error bound with high probability, a common
strategy is to design one that works with constant probability, and then boost the probability …
strategy is to design one that works with constant probability, and then boost the probability …