Government failure in urban transportation

C Winston - Fiscal Studies, 2000‏ - Wiley Online Library
This paper assesses governmental performance in its investment, provision and regulation
of urban transportation. Attention is given to public bus and rail transit and road …

Public and private initiatives in infrastructure provision 1

R Vickerman - Barriers to Sustainable Transport, 2005‏ -
How to provide infrastructure remains a vexed question in the transport sector. Traditionally,
provision has been the preserve of the public sector in most economies, but there has been …

Transport and environment: policy directions for europe

R Tinch - European Environment, 2001‏ - Wiley Online Library
Transport externalities are among the most important environmental problems affecting
quality of life in Europe. Forecasts suggest that past environmental improvements may now …

[ספר][B] Marginal Cost Pricing: A Panacea for Transport Externalities?

R Tinch - 1999‏ -
Transport externalities are among the most important environmental problems affecting
quality of life in Europe. Current forecasts suggest that the environmental improvements of …

[PDF][PDF] Hluk jako spojující článek mezi lékaři a geografy

J JAROLÍMEK - Informace ČGS, 2014‏ -
Informace ČGS, 33, 2, pp. 13–22.–Noise is a part of our everyday life. Strategic noise maps
and action plans are made in order to define long-term priorities in the field of the protection …

[ספר][B] Infrastructure Procurement Framework for Local Authority (UUM Press)

D Salleh, M Ismail - 2014‏ -
The spread of infrastructure requirements and variety in mechanisms used to secure
contributions (infrastructure provision) from private sector was a reflection of the institutional …

Intelligent decision support system for transport infrastructure investment with emphasis on joint logistic

JY Yamben - 2007‏ -
The aim of this thesis is to provide to the governmental decision-maker/user, an instrument
that can assist him/her in improving the infrastructure investment decision in the economical …

Environmental effects and scale economies in transport modelling: some results for the UK

J Peirson, R Vickerman - Environment and Transport in Economic …, 1998‏ - Springer
Much interest is currently being focused on the extent to which the private sector can
assume many of the functions in transport which have traditionally been the preserve of the …

Environmental taxation: evidence from the transport sector

M Acutt - Environmental Valuation, Economic Policy and …, 1998‏ -
This book brings together some of the most important recent developments in the various
aspects of environmental economics as well as providing an introduction to its theory and …

[PDF][PDF] Final Report for Publication

TMTP IT, RR RO - 2000‏ -
This document is the Final Report for Publication of the SMARTEST project. This project
directly addressed task 7.3/17 in the second call for proposals of the 4th Framework …