High-quality fracture network map** using high frequency logging while drilling (LWD) data: MSEEL case study
Abstract The Marcellus Shale and Energy Environmental Laboratory (MSEEL) provides a
comprehensive dataset and field tests that can be used to study the significance of …
comprehensive dataset and field tests that can be used to study the significance of …
Recent advances and new insights of fiber optic techniques in fracture diagnostics used for unconventional reservoirs
Technological advancements in well completion and stimulation have resulted in record
production and considerable growth in global unconventional markets. However, the …
production and considerable growth in global unconventional markets. However, the …
Simultaneous well spacing and completion optimization using an automated machine learning approach. A case study of the Marcellus Shale reservoir, northeastern …
Optimizing unconventional field development requires simultaneous optimization of well
spacing and completion design. However, the conventional practice of using cross plots and …
spacing and completion design. However, the conventional practice of using cross plots and …
Evaluation of the economic implications of varied pressure drawdown strategies generated using a real-time, rapid predictive, multi-fidelity model for unconventional …
K Bello, D Vikara, A Sheriff, H Viswanathan… - Gas Science and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Experience has suggested that pressure maintenance in hydraulically fractured reservoirs
via lower, more sustained production drawdowns may offer improved cumulative recovery …
via lower, more sustained production drawdowns may offer improved cumulative recovery …
Application of Fiber Optics for Completion Design Optimization: A Methodological Approach and Key Findings
This study investigates the application of fiber optic technology to optimize completion
design in a hydraulic fracture stimulation for Marcellus Shale Reservoir. With a focus on …
design in a hydraulic fracture stimulation for Marcellus Shale Reservoir. With a focus on …
Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Optimization Using Machine Learning Approach: A Case Study of Marcellus Shale
Friction reducer (FR) is a chemical additive utilized in hydraulic fracturing operations to
minimize friction between the fracturing fluid and the wellbore walls. Its purpose is to …
minimize friction between the fracturing fluid and the wellbore walls. Its purpose is to …
Key drivers for complexity of hydraulic fracture stimulation—Cemented and bitumen-filled fractures formed during hydrocarbon maturation of the Marcellus Shale—Key …
As part of the Marcellus Shale Energy and Environmental Laboratory (MSEEL), vertical
cores encompassing the entire Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale integrated with image and …
cores encompassing the entire Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale integrated with image and …
3D visualization of integrated geologic and geophysical subsurface data using open-source programming: A case study using data from the MSEEL project
Modern horizontal wells with multiple terabytes of traditional and advanced image logs,
permanent and deployable fiber-optic monitoring, and microseismic data pose a unique …
permanent and deployable fiber-optic monitoring, and microseismic data pose a unique …
A Robust Workflow for Optimizing Drilling/Completion/Frac Design Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
One of the biggest challenges in drilling/completion/hydraulic fracturing optimization is
determining the optimal parameters in the infinite space of possible solutions. Applying a …
determining the optimal parameters in the infinite space of possible solutions. Applying a …
Drilling Optimization of Deep Geothermal Well Using Geomechanical Modeling-A Case Study of MIP 1S Well Morgantown West Virginia
The proposed paper endeavors to assess the geological and geomechanical characteristics
of the geothermal deep direct-use MIP 1S well, which was drilled and completed in the …
of the geothermal deep direct-use MIP 1S well, which was drilled and completed in the …