[HTML][HTML] The role of mitochondria in the mechanisms of cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury
AV Kuznetsov, S Javadov, R Margreiter, M Grimm… - Antioxidants, 2019 - mdpi.com
Mitochondria play a critical role in maintaining cellular function by ATP production. They are
also a source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and proapoptotic factors. The role of …
also a source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and proapoptotic factors. The role of …
Mitochondrial alterations in Alzheimer's disease
Morphological alterations of mitochondria may be related to metabolic and energy
deficiency in neurons in Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders …
deficiency in neurons in Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders …
The functional organization of mitochondrial genomes in human cells
Background We analyzed the organization and function of mitochondrial DNA in a stable
human cell line (ECV304, which is also known as T-24) containing mitochondria tagged with …
human cell line (ECV304, which is also known as T-24) containing mitochondria tagged with …
Mitofusins 1 and 2 are essential for postnatal metabolic remodeling in heart
Rationale: At birth, there is a switch from placental to pulmonary circulation and the heart
commences its aerobic metabolism. In cardiac myocytes, this transition is marked by …
commences its aerobic metabolism. In cardiac myocytes, this transition is marked by …
Mitochondrial Sources of H2O2 Generation Play a Key Role in Flow-Mediated Dilation in Human Coronary Resistance Arteries
Y Liu, H Zhao, H Li, B Kalyanaraman… - Circulation …, 2003 - ahajournals.org
We previously showed that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) contributes to flow-induced dilation in
human coronary resistance arteries (HCRAs); however, the source of this H2O2 is not …
human coronary resistance arteries (HCRAs); however, the source of this H2O2 is not …
Cytoplasmic dynein regulates the subcellular distribution of mitochondria by controlling the recruitment of the fission factor dynamin-related protein-1
While the subcellular organisation of mitochondria is likely to influence many aspects of cell
physiology, its molecular control is poorly understood. Here, we have investigated the role of …
physiology, its molecular control is poorly understood. Here, we have investigated the role of …
The cell-type specificity of mitochondrial dynamics
AV Kuznetsov, M Hermann, V Saks, P Hengster… - The international journal …, 2009 - Elsevier
Recent advances in mitochondrial imaging have revealed that in many cells mitochondria
can be highly dynamic. They can undergo fission/fusion processes modulated by various …
can be highly dynamic. They can undergo fission/fusion processes modulated by various …
Glutamine homeostasis and mitochondrial dynamics
Glutamine is a multifaceted amino acid that plays key roles in many metabolic pathways and
also fulfils essential signaling functions. Although classified as non-essential, recent …
also fulfils essential signaling functions. Although classified as non-essential, recent …
Simultaneous quantitative measurement and automated analysis of mitochondrial morphology, mass, potential, and motility in living human skin fibroblasts
Background Understanding the interdependence of mitochondrial and cellular functioning in
health and disease requires detailed knowledge about the coupling between mitochondrial …
health and disease requires detailed knowledge about the coupling between mitochondrial …
Sustained activity of calcium release-activated calcium channels requires translocation of mitochondria to the plasma membrane
A Quintana, EC Schwarz, C Schwindling, P Lipp… - Journal of Biological …, 2006 - jbc.org
A rise of the intracellular Ca 2+ concentration has multiple signaling functions. Sustained Ca
2+ influx across plasma membrane through calcium release-activated calcium (CRAC) …
2+ influx across plasma membrane through calcium release-activated calcium (CRAC) …