Antidum** policy

JD Reitzes - International Economic Review, 1993 - JSTOR
When an antidum** policy involves the imposition of duties, the threat of antidum**
enforcement may alter strategic behavior under imperfect competition. This point is …

[BOK][B] KD Raju - 2008 -

The WTO Secretariat reports that during the period from 1995 to June 30, 2007 WTO
members initiated 3097 anti-dum** investigations. Of these, 474 were put forward by …

[PDF][PDF] An analysis of EU anti-dum** cases against China

YH Mai - Asia-Pacific Development Journal, 2002 -
In this study, an analysis of Chinese exports to the European Union (EU) of the products
subject to anti-dum** duties shows that anti-dum** measures tend to significantly …

[BOK][B] Dum** e antidum**

P Farah, R Soprano - 2013 -
Un saggio positivo e pragmatico. Il dum** è una strategia commerciale con la quale un
bene viene esportato a prezzi inferiori rispetto al suo “valore normale”, ossia il prezzo …

Import Tariffs vs. Antidum** Duties: A Comparative Analysis with Policy Implications

YM Chang, MF Raza - … Duties: A Comparative Analysis with Policy …, 2021 -
This paper analyzes and compares differences in policy implications between import tariffs
and antidum** (AD) duties in the presence of dum** under free trade. We present a …

[BOK][B] A re-evaluation of the case against the United States' antidum** law

SJ Evenett - 1995 -
Antidum** law affects market outcomes over time. In contrast to the existing literature, the
methodological approach taken here stresses the need to tie, as closely as possible, the …

Dum** recíproco óptimo bajo un régimen de protección administrada

A Gallegos David - Revista mexicana de economía y finanzas, 2019 -
The purpose of this article is to examine the strategic relationship between trade policy in a
managed protection regime and commercial exchange at prices below normal value. It …

[PDF][PDF] Do Develo** Countries Benefit from Antidum** Laws? An Assessment Based upon a Theoretical Dum** Model

MD Tello - EconoQuantum, 2005 -
■ Abstract: This paper develops an international Dum** model of imperfect competition
based upon developed and develo** countries' comparative advantage. The main results …

[HTML][HTML] Optimal Reciprocal Dum** in a Managed Trade Regime

A Gallegos David - Revista mexicana de economía y finanzas, 2019 -
The purpose of this article is to examine the strategic relationship between trade policy in a
managed protection regime and commercial exchange at prices below normal value. It …

[BOK][B] The effects of antidum** law enforcement

X Sun - 1995 -
This thesis examines the effects of antidum** law enforcement in the United States on US
and foreign firms and on American welfare. This work differs from most previous studies …