Deposition of trace metals associated with atmospheric particulate matter: Environmental fate and health risk assessment
Anthropogenic and natural sources influence trace metals (TMs) bound to different sized
particulate matter (PM) in dry and wet atmospheric deposition, which can create ecosystem …
particulate matter (PM) in dry and wet atmospheric deposition, which can create ecosystem …
Critical review of heavy metal pollution of traffic area runoff: Occurrence, influencing factors, and partitioning
M Huber, A Welker, B Helmreich - Science of the Total Environment, 2016 - Elsevier
A dataset of 294 monitored sites from six continents (Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North
and South America) was compiled and evaluated to characterize the occurrence and fate of …
and South America) was compiled and evaluated to characterize the occurrence and fate of …
Heavy metal accumulation related to population density in road dust samples taken from urban sites under different land uses
JM Trujillo-González, MA Torres-Mora… - Science of the total …, 2016 - Elsevier
Soil pollution is a key component of the land degradation process, but little is known about
the impact of soil pollution on human health in the urban environment. The heavy metals Pb …
the impact of soil pollution on human health in the urban environment. The heavy metals Pb …
Zeolite performance in removal of multicomponent heavy metal contamination from wastewater
P Ramos, EJC Borojovich, O Zeiri, Y Amar… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2023 - Elsevier
Efficient removal of heavy metal pollutants from wastewater by ion-exchange sorbents
requires knowledge and understanding of the interplay between the adsorption patterns of …
requires knowledge and understanding of the interplay between the adsorption patterns of …
Small-intensity rainfall triggers greater contamination of rubber-derived chemicals in road stormwater runoff from various functional areas in megalopolis cities
YH Liu, YX Mei, XN Liang, ZY Ge… - Environmental …, 2024 - ACS Publications
Rubber-derived chemicals (RDCs) originating from tire and road wear particles are
transported into road stormwater runoff, potentially threatening organisms in receiving …
transported into road stormwater runoff, potentially threatening organisms in receiving …
Review of pollutants in urban road dust and stormwater runoff: part 1. Heavy metals released from vehicles
Urban road dust can be highly enriched with trace metals such as copper, lead, zinc, and
platinum group elements (PGEs) that are released primarily from vehicles. Concentrations of …
platinum group elements (PGEs) that are released primarily from vehicles. Concentrations of …
Pollution and health risk of potentially toxic metals in urban road dust in Nan**g, a mega-city of China
E Liu, T Yan, G Birch, Y Zhu - Science of the Total Environment, 2014 - Elsevier
Spatial variations in concentrations of a suite of potentially toxic metals (Ba, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn,
Ni, Pb and Zn) and Ca in road dusts (n= 99) from urban trunk roads (TR) in Nan**g, a mega …
Ni, Pb and Zn) and Ca in road dusts (n= 99) from urban trunk roads (TR) in Nan**g, a mega …
A review of ARGs in WWTPs: Sources, stressors and elimination
Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in aquatic environments, which seriously endanger
human health and ecological safety, have become a worldwide concern due to their easy …
human health and ecological safety, have become a worldwide concern due to their easy …
Review of highway runoff characteristics: Comparative analysis and universal implications
M Kayhanian, BD Fruchtman, JS Gulliver, C Montanaro… - Water research, 2012 - Elsevier
This review interprets highway runoff characterization studies performed on different
continents. The results are synthesized to discuss the historical trends, first flush effects of …
continents. The results are synthesized to discuss the historical trends, first flush effects of …
Effects of land use, climate, and imperviousness on urban stormwater quality: A meta-analysis
Many natural and anthropogenic factors cause degradation of urban stormwater quality,
resulting in negative consequences to receiving waters. In order to improve water quality …
resulting in negative consequences to receiving waters. In order to improve water quality …