Reduced CO2 uptake and growing nutrient sequestration from slowing overturning circulation
Abstract Current Earth system models (ESMs) project dramatic slowing (28–42% by 2100) of
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Southern Meridional Overturning Circulation …
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Southern Meridional Overturning Circulation …
Projected impacts of Antarctic meltwater anomalies over the twenty-first century
Abstract Antarctic margin and Southern Ocean surface freshening has been observed in
recent decades and is projected to continue over the twenty-first century. Surface freshening …
recent decades and is projected to continue over the twenty-first century. Surface freshening …
Automated detection and tracking of medium-large icebergs from Sentinel-1 imagery using Google Earth Engine
Monitoring Antarctic icebergs helps us understand the interaction between ocean,
atmosphere, and sea ice in the Southern Ocean. Although gigantic icebergs have been the …
atmosphere, and sea ice in the Southern Ocean. Although gigantic icebergs have been the …
The Southern Ocean freshwater input from Antarctica (Sofia) initiative: Scientific objectives and experimental design
As the climate warms, the grounded ice sheet and floating ice shelves surrounding
Antarctica are melting and releasing additional freshwater into the Southern Ocean …
Antarctica are melting and releasing additional freshwater into the Southern Ocean …
Importance of the Antarctic Slope Current in the Southern Ocean response to ice sheet melt and wind stress change
We use two coupled climate models, GFDL‐CM4 and GFDL‐ESM4, to investigate the
physical response of the Southern Ocean to changes in surface wind stress, Antarctic …
physical response of the Southern Ocean to changes in surface wind stress, Antarctic …
Global climate impacts of Greenland and Antarctic meltwater: A comparative study
Abstract Both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have been melting at an accelerating
rate over recent decades. Meltwater from Greenland might be expected to initiate a climate …
rate over recent decades. Meltwater from Greenland might be expected to initiate a climate …
Reduced deep convection and bottom water formation due to Antarctic meltwater in a multi‐model ensemble
The additional water from the Antarctic ice sheet and ice shelves due to climate‐induced
melt can impact ocean circulation and global climate. However, the major processes driving …
melt can impact ocean circulation and global climate. However, the major processes driving …
[HTML][HTML] Southern Ocean sea surface temperature synthesis: Part 2. Penultimate glacial and last interglacial
The last interglacial (LIG:∼ 130 to 115 thousand years before present) is often used as an
analogue for near-future climate warming. Antarctic Ice Sheet response to LIG warming is of …
analogue for near-future climate warming. Antarctic Ice Sheet response to LIG warming is of …
Future response of Antarctic continental shelf temperatures to ice shelf basal melting and calving
We investigate feedbacks between subsurface continental shelf ocean temperatures and
Antarctic glacial melt using a coupled climate model. The model was forced with SSP5‐8.5 …
Antarctic glacial melt using a coupled climate model. The model was forced with SSP5‐8.5 …
[HTML][HTML] The coupled atmosphere–ocean response to Antarctic sea ice loss
Antarctic sea ice is projected to decrease in response to increasing greenhouse gas
concentrations. Limited studies so far have examined the coupled atmosphere–ocean …
concentrations. Limited studies so far have examined the coupled atmosphere–ocean …