Fair ranking: a critical review, challenges, and future directions
Ranking, recommendation, and retrieval systems are widely used in online platforms and
other societal systems, including e-commerce, media-streaming, admissions, gig platforms …
other societal systems, including e-commerce, media-streaming, admissions, gig platforms …
Event detection in online social network: Methodologies, state-of-art, and evolution
Online social network such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are increasingly becoming
the go-to medium for users to acquire information and discuss what is happening globally …
the go-to medium for users to acquire information and discuss what is happening globally …
Twitter brand sentiment analysis: A hybrid system using n-gram analysis and dynamic artificial neural network
M Ghiassi, J Skinner, D Zimbra - Expert Systems with applications, 2013 - Elsevier
Twitter messages are increasingly used to determine consumer sentiment towards a brand.
The existing literature on Twitter sentiment analysis uses various feature sets and methods …
The existing literature on Twitter sentiment analysis uses various feature sets and methods …
Real-time event detection from the Twitter data stream using the TwitterNews+ Framework
Detecting events in real-time from the Twitter data stream has gained substantial attention in
recent years from researchers around the world. Different event detection approaches have …
recent years from researchers around the world. Different event detection approaches have …
A survey on real-time event detection from the Twitter data stream
The proliferation of social networking services has resulted in a rapid growth of their user
base, spanning across the world. The collective information generated from these online …
base, spanning across the world. The collective information generated from these online …
Gaining competitive intelligence from social media data: Evidence from two largest retail chains in the world
Purpose–Social media analytics uses data mining platforms, tools and analytics techniques
to collect, monitor and analyze massive amounts of social media data to extract useful …
to collect, monitor and analyze massive amounts of social media data to extract useful …
Recent advancements in event processing
Event processing (EP) is a data processing technology that conducts online processing of
event information. In this survey, we summarize the latest cutting-edge work done on EP …
event information. In this survey, we summarize the latest cutting-edge work done on EP …
What's happening around the world? a survey and framework on event detection techniques on twitter
In the last few years, Twitter has become a popular platform for sharing opinions,
experiences, news, and views in real-time. Twitter presents an interesting opportunity for …
experiences, news, and views in real-time. Twitter presents an interesting opportunity for …
Towards resilient and smart cities: A real-time urban analytical and geo-visual system for social media streaming data
Cities worldwide are vulnerable to unpredictable extreme events such as disasters and
public health crises. Urban big data and data-driven technologies have played an …
public health crises. Urban big data and data-driven technologies have played an …
Event detection, tracking, and visualization in twitter: a mention-anomaly-based approach
The ever-growing number of people using Twitter makes it a valuable source of timely
information. However, detecting events in Twitter is a difficult task, because tweets that report …
information. However, detecting events in Twitter is a difficult task, because tweets that report …