[HTML][HTML] The Performance, Ingestive Behavior, Nutrient Digestibility, Ruminal Fermentation Profile, Health Status, and Gene Expression of Does Fed a Phytochemical …

AA Gabr, F Farrag, M Ahmed, YA Soltan, A Ateya… - Animals, 2025 - mdpi.com
This study investigated the effects of a phytochemical–Lactobacilli blend (PEL) on the
performance and health of late-pregnant does. Thirty Zaraibi does (30.9±0.37 kg body …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of Echinacea purpurea extract on immunological, biochemical and reproductive performance of male Egyptian buffaloes

OM El-Malky, HS Abou-Seri, MME Ibrahim… - Journal of Livestock … - livestockscience.in
The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of Echinacea purpurea extract (EPE)
supplementation on immunological and biochemical aspects, as well as the reproductive …

[CITATA][C] Удосконалення технології виробництва продукції козівництва в фермерському господарстві «Миколаєво-Петрівське» Дніпровського району …

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