Recent advancements in event processing
Event processing (EP) is a data processing technology that conducts online processing of
event information. In this survey, we summarize the latest cutting-edge work done on EP …
event information. In this survey, we summarize the latest cutting-edge work done on EP …
Tempme: Towards the explainability of temporal graph neural networks via motif discovery
Temporal graphs are widely used to model dynamic systems with time-varying interactions.
In real-world scenarios, the underlying mechanisms of generating future interactions in …
In real-world scenarios, the underlying mechanisms of generating future interactions in …
A survey of continuous subgraph matching for dynamic graphs
With the rapid development of information technologies, multi-source heterogeneous data
has become an open problem, and the data is usually modeled as graphs since the graph …
has become an open problem, and the data is usually modeled as graphs since the graph …
Graph stream summarization: From big bang to big crunch
A graph stream, which refers to the graph with edges being updated sequentially in a form of
a stream, has important applications in cyber security and social networks. Due to the sheer …
a stream, has important applications in cyber security and social networks. Due to the sheer …
Big graph analytics platforms
Due to the growing need to process large graph and network datasets created by modern
applications, recent years have witnessed a surging interest in develo** big graph …
applications, recent years have witnessed a surging interest in develo** big graph …
Rapidflow: An efficient approach to continuous subgraph matching
Continuous subgraph matching (CSM) is an important building block in many real-time
graph processing applications. Given a subgraph query Q and a data graph stream, a CSM …
graph processing applications. Given a subgraph query Q and a data graph stream, a CSM …
An in-depth study of continuous subgraph matching
Continuous subgraph matching (CSM) algorithms find the occurrences of a given pattern on
a stream of data graphs online. A number of incremental CSM algorithms have been …
a stream of data graphs online. A number of incremental CSM algorithms have been …
Turboflux: A fast continuous subgraph matching system for streaming graph data
A dynamic graph is defined by an initial graph and a graph update stream consisting of edge
insertions and deletions. Identifying and monitoring critical patterns in the dynamic graph is …
insertions and deletions. Identifying and monitoring critical patterns in the dynamic graph is …
Fast and accurate graph stream summarization
A graph stream is a continuous sequence of data items, in which each item indicates an
edge, including its two endpoints and edge weight. It forms a dynamic graph that changes …
edge, including its two endpoints and edge weight. It forms a dynamic graph that changes …
A survey of typical attributed graph queries
Graphs are commonly used for representing complex structures such as social relationships,
biological interactions, and knowledge bases. In many scenarios, graphs not only represent …
biological interactions, and knowledge bases. In many scenarios, graphs not only represent …