Collaborative engagement of local and traditional knowledge and science in marine environments: a review
TF Thornton, AM Scheer - Ecology and Society, 2012 - JSTOR
Local and traditional ecological knowledge (LTK) is increasingly recognized as an important
component of scientific research, conservation, and resource management. Especially …
component of scientific research, conservation, and resource management. Especially …
High latitude changes in ice dynamics and their impact on polar marine ecosystems
MA Moline, NJ Karnovsky, Z Brown… - Annals of the New …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Polar regions have experienced significant warming in recent decades. Warming has been
most pronounced across the Arctic Ocean Basin and along the Antarctic Peninsula, with …
most pronounced across the Arctic Ocean Basin and along the Antarctic Peninsula, with …
Can local ecological knowledge contribute to wildlife management? Case studies of migratory birds
Sound management of wildlife species, particularly those that are harvested, requires
extensive information on their natural history and demography. For many global wildlife …
extensive information on their natural history and demography. For many global wildlife …
Evaluation of local ecological knowledge as a method for collecting extensive data on animal abundance
The use of local ecological knowledge (LEK) has been advocated for biodiversity monitoring
and management. To date, however, it has been underused in studying wild populations of …
and management. To date, however, it has been underused in studying wild populations of …
Integrating traditional ecological knowledge and ecological science: a question of scale
The benefits and challenges of integrating traditional ecological knowledge and scientific
knowledge have led to extensive discussions over the past decades, but much work is still …
knowledge have led to extensive discussions over the past decades, but much work is still …
Evaluating the status of species using Indigenous knowledge: Novel evidence for major native mammal declines in northern Australia
A small series of recent monitoring studies has reported major declines for many native
mammal species in localised regions in northern Australia. However, the broader spatial …
mammal species in localised regions in northern Australia. However, the broader spatial …
Diving back in time: extending historical baselines for yelloweye rockfish with Indigenous knowledge
Ocean systems, and the culturally and commercially important fishes that inhabit them, face
growing threats. Increasingly, unconventional data sources are being used to inform …
growing threats. Increasingly, unconventional data sources are being used to inform …
" The time of the most polar bears": A co-management conflict in Nunavut
M Dowsley, G Wenzel - Arctic, 2008 - JSTOR
Since the 1990s, Inuit traditional knowledge (Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit) has taken on a
substantial role in polar bear management in the Canadian territory of Nunavut through its …
substantial role in polar bear management in the Canadian territory of Nunavut through its …
[PDF][PDF] Northern Canada
SECTORS....................................................................................................................................... 79 4.1 …
SECTORS....................................................................................................................................... 79 4.1 …
Integration of local ecological knowledge and conventional science: a study of seven community-based forestry organizations in the USA
Natural resource management decisions can be based on incomplete knowledge when they
lack scientific research, monitoring, and assessment and/or simultaneously fail to draw on …
lack scientific research, monitoring, and assessment and/or simultaneously fail to draw on …