Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction

CD Clark, JC Ely, RCA Hindmarsh, S Bradley… - Boreas, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The BRITICE‐CHRONO consortium of researchers undertook a dating programme to
constrain the timing of advance, maximum extent and retreat of the British–Irish Ice Sheet …

[HTML][HTML] Investigating the roles of relative sea-level change and glacio-isostatic adjustment on the retreat of a marine based ice stream in NW Scotland

AR Simms, L Best, I Shennan, SL Bradley… - Quaternary Science …, 2022 - Elsevier
The record of ice-sheet demise since the last glacial maximum (LGM) provides an
opportunity to test the relative importance of instability mechanisms, including relative sea …

Retreat dynamics of the eastern sector of the British–Irish Ice Sheet during the last glaciation

DJA Evans, DH Roberts, MD Bateman… - Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The findings of BRITICE‐CHRONO Transect 2 through the North Sea Basin and eastern
England are reported. We define ice‐sheet marginal oscillation between~ 31 and 16 ka, with …

Collapse of the last Eurasian Ice Sheet in the North Sea modulated by combined processes of ice flow, surface melt, and marine ice sheet instabilities

N Gandy, LJ Gregoire, JC Ely… - Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The record of the confluence and collapse of the British‐Irish Ice Sheet and the
Fennoscandian Ice Sheet is obscured by the North Sea, hindering reconstructions of the …

A detailed investigation into the legacy of glacial readvances and ice-dammed lakes around Sellafield, West Cumbria: Implications for 3D modelling, hydrogeology …

JW Merritt, NT Smith, E Phillips, CA Auton - Proceedings of the Geologists' …, 2024 - Elsevier
The glacial evolution of western Cumbria, England is reassessed following a
comprehensive review of both published and extensive unpublished records from the …

Dynamical response of the southwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet to rapid Bølling-Allerød warming

SL Norris, M Margold, DJA Evans… - The Cryosphere …, 2023 -
The climatic transition from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the early Holocene (ca. 18–
12 ka BP) involved rates of temperature change comparable with present-day warming …

Ice‐stream shutdown during deglaciation: Evidence from crevasse‐squeeze ridges of the Iceland Ice Sheet

N Aradóttir, ÍÖ Benediktsson… - Earth Surface …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Both modern and palaeo‐ice streams experience shutdown, which has critical implications
for their mass balance and influence on relative sea level. Reconstructions of palaeo‐ice …

[HTML][HTML] Lateglacial and early Holocene evolution of the Tyne Valley in response to climatic shifts and possible paraglacial landscape legacies

L Yorke, RC Chiverrell, JL Schwenninger - Geomorphology, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper presents new sedimentological, geomorphological, and optically stimulated
luminescence (OSL) geochronological evidence for fluvial evolution of the mid-to lower …

[HTML][HTML] Lateglacial Interstadial to mid-Holocene stratigraphy and palynology at Pepper Arden Bottoms, North Yorkshire, UK

JB Innes, MM Rutherford, DR Bridgland… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Investigations at Pepper Arden Bottoms, a lake basin site on the interfluve between
the rivers Tees and Swale in northeast England, have recovered lithostratigraphical, pollen …

Extreme Flood Sediment Production and Export Controlled by Reach‐Scale Morphology

ERC Baynes, ME Kincey… - Geophysical Research …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Rapid earth surface evolution is discrete in nature, with short‐duration extreme events
having a widespread impact on landscapes despite occurring relatively infrequently. Here …