[HTML][HTML] Reputation management in the age of the world-wide web

C Tennie, U Frith, CD Frith - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2010 - cell.com
The reciprocal interactions with others that play such a significant part in our lives depend
upon trust; individuals need to be confident that their partners are cooperative, and that they …

[Књига][B] McQuail's mass communication theory

D McQuail - 2010 - books.google.com
" Denis McQuail's Mass Communication Theory is not just a seminal text in the study of
media and society-it is a benchmark for understanding and appreciating the long and …

[Књига][B] Mass media, politics and democracy

J Street - 2010 - books.google.com
This widely used and popular text provides a broad-ranging analysis of the relationship
between the media and politics. Revised and updated throughout, this second edition …

[Књига][B] Politische Kommunikation

W Schulz - 2011 - Springer
Politik ist nicht denkbar ohne Kommunikation. Die Verbindung ist so eng, dass manche
wissenschaftlichen Autoren dazu neigen, Politik über Kommunikation zu definieren …

[Књига][B] Political public relations

J Strömbäck, S Kiousis - 2011 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Names: Strömbäck, Jesper editor.| Kiousis, Spiro editor. Title: Political public relations:
concepts, principles, and applications/edited by Jesper Strömbäck and Spiro Kiousis …

[Књига][B] Medialisierung politischer Organisationen

P Donges - 2008 - Springer
Der vorliegende Band ist eine (mit etwas Abstand zum Abgabetermin) leicht überarbeitete
Fassung meiner an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich eingereichten und …

Spin doctors in the United States, Great Britain, and Germany: Metacommunication about media manipulation

F Esser, C Reinemann, D Fan - … International Journal of …, 2001 - journals.sagepub.com
This study develops a new concept in political communication theory called
metacommunication. It argues that metacommunication (1) describes a new, third stage in …

Defining and map** the field of theory and research on political public relations

J Strömbäck, S Kiousis - Political public relations, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Political public relations as practice dates back to ancient times, but today, public relations
strategies and tactics are probably more ubiquitous in political communication processes …

The new media and our political communication discontents: Democratizing cyberspace

JG Blumler, M Gurevitch - Information, communication & society, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
This article argues that the new interactive media have a'vulnerable potential'to enhance
public communications and enrich democracy, which can be realized only through …

[Књига][B] The democratic leader: How democracy defines, empowers and limits its leaders

J Kane, H Patapan - 2012 - books.google.com
The Democratic Leader argues that leaders occupy a unique place in democracies. The
foundational principle of democracy--popular sovereignty--implies that the people must rule …