Global importance of Indigenous Peoples, their lands, and knowledge systems for saving the world's primates from extinction
Primates, represented by 521 species, are distributed across 91 countries primarily in the
Neotropic, Afrotropic, and Indo-Malayan realms. Primates inhabit a wide range of habitats …
Neotropic, Afrotropic, and Indo-Malayan realms. Primates inhabit a wide range of habitats …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive overview of the utilization of recycled waste materials and technologies in asphalt pavements: towards environmental and sustainable low …
Given the prevailing concerns about greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, and the
growing demand for renewable resources, the pavement industry, among others, is actively …
growing demand for renewable resources, the pavement industry, among others, is actively …
How climate change and unplanned urban sprawl bring more landslides
How climate change and unplanned urban sprawl bring more landslides Skip to main content
Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for …
Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for …
More than one million barriers fragment Europe's rivers
Rivers support some of Earth's richest biodiversity and provide essential ecosystem services
to society, but they are often fragmented by barriers to free flow. In Europe, attempts to …
to society, but they are often fragmented by barriers to free flow. In Europe, attempts to …
Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape
Wildlife must adapt to human presence to survive in the Anthropocene, so it is critical to
understand species responses to humans in different contexts. We used camera trap** as …
understand species responses to humans in different contexts. We used camera trap** as …
Map** the world's free-flowing rivers
Free-flowing rivers (FFRs) support diverse, complex and dynamic ecosystems globally,
providing important societal and economic services. Infrastructure development threatens …
providing important societal and economic services. Infrastructure development threatens …
Global hydro-environmental sub-basin and river reach characteristics at high spatial resolution
The HydroATLAS database provides a standardized compendium of descriptive hydro-
environmental information for all watersheds and rivers of the world at high spatial …
environmental information for all watersheds and rivers of the world at high spatial …
Global predictors of language endangerment and the future of linguistic diversity
Abstract Language diversity is under threat. While each language is subject to specific
social, demographic and political pressures, there may also be common threatening …
social, demographic and political pressures, there may also be common threatening …
Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns
COVID-19 lockdowns in early 2020 reduced human mobility, providing an opportunity to
disentangle its effects on animals from those of landscape modifications. Using GPS data …
disentangle its effects on animals from those of landscape modifications. Using GPS data …
[KNJIGA][B] Global status report on road safety 2018
World Health Organization - 2019 - books.google.com
The Global status report on road safety 2018 launched by WHO in December 2018
highlights that the number of annual road traffic deaths has reached 1.35 million. Road traffic …
highlights that the number of annual road traffic deaths has reached 1.35 million. Road traffic …