A Wide Frequency Range Low Jitter Integer PLL with Switch and Inverter Based CP in 0.18 m CMOS Technology
This paper aims at designing a digital approach based low jitter, smaller area and wide
frequency range phase locked loop (PLL) to reduce the design efforts and power which can …
frequency range phase locked loop (PLL) to reduce the design efforts and power which can …
Precharged phase detector with zero dead-zone and minimal blind-zone
G Nikolić, G Jovanović, M Stojčev… - Journal of Circuits …, 2017 - World Scientific
A precharged CMOS high-performance phase frequency detector (PFD) circuit is presented
in this paper. The PFD consists of two identical building blocks. Each PFD block generates …
in this paper. The PFD consists of two identical building blocks. Each PFD block generates …
Frequency-range enhanced delay locked loop based on varactor-loaded and current-controlled delay elements
S Kazeminia - AEU-International Journal of Electronics and …, 2020 - Elsevier
In this paper, some building blocks of the conventional delay-locked-loops are modified to
achieve a higher frequency range and smaller jitter on generated phases. A novel sensitive …
achieve a higher frequency range and smaller jitter on generated phases. A novel sensitive …
A 5.12-GHz LC-based phase-locked loop for silicon pixel readouts of high-energy physics
XT Li, W Wei, Y Zhang, XB Yan, XS Jiang… - Nuclear Science and …, 2022 - Springer
There is an urgent need for high-quality and high-frequency clock generators for high-
energy physics experiments. The transmission data rate exceeds 10 Gbps for a single …
energy physics experiments. The transmission data rate exceeds 10 Gbps for a single …
A fast-locking low-jitter digitally-enhanced DLL dynamically controlled for loop-gain and stability
Conventional structure of delay locked loops (DLLs) is modified to achieve better jitter and
smaller lock time. In the proposed structure, analog charge pump is eliminated, to remove …
smaller lock time. In the proposed structure, analog charge pump is eliminated, to remove …
A low-jitter leakage-free digitally calibrated phase locked loop
A Soltani - Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
A digital calibration scheme is proposed to reduce the systematic jitter due to the periodic
current leakage in charge pump phase-locked loops. Frequency acquisition is performed …
current leakage in charge pump phase-locked loops. Frequency acquisition is performed …
A Low Spur 5.9-GHz CMOS Frequency Synthesizer with Loop Sampling Filter for C-V2X Applications
E Ulusoy, E Zencir - Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2023 - World Scientific
In this paper, a very low spur 5.9-GHz integer-N frequency synthesizer designed for a
Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) receiver is presented. The PLL is referenced to a 10 …
Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) receiver is presented. The PLL is referenced to a 10 …
A 2.3 mW Multi-Frequency Clock Generator with 137 dBc/Hz Phase Noise VCO in 180 nm Digital CMOS Technology
A fast phase frequency detector (PFD) and low gain low phase noise voltage-controlled
oscillator (VCO)-based phase-locked loop (PLL) design are presented in this paper. PLL …
oscillator (VCO)-based phase-locked loop (PLL) design are presented in this paper. PLL …
Design and Implementation of an N-Type Integer Phase-Locked Loop With Low Phase Noise and Two Output Frequencies at 1 and 4 GHz
H Kazemi Karyani, E Najafiaghdam - International Journal of …, 2024 - ieco.usb.ac.ir
This article presents development and implementation of an integer N-type Phase Locked
Loop (PLL) module with two output frequencies of 1 and 4 GHz, each having a phase noise …
Loop (PLL) module with two output frequencies of 1 and 4 GHz, each having a phase noise …
A wide locking range and low power divide-by-2/3 LC injection-locked frequency divider
W Gao, W Zhang, Y Liu - Journal of Circuits, Systems and …, 2016 - World Scientific
A direct divide-by-2/3 LC injection-locked frequency divider (ILFD) is presented in this paper.
The proposed ILFD circuit is based on a CMOS LC tank oscillator coupled with an injection …
The proposed ILFD circuit is based on a CMOS LC tank oscillator coupled with an injection …