A Wide Frequency Range Low Jitter Integer PLL with Switch and Inverter Based CP in 0.18 m CMOS Technology

JK Sahani, A Singh, A Agarwal - Journal of Circuits, Systems and …, 2020 - World Scientific
This paper aims at designing a digital approach based low jitter, smaller area and wide
frequency range phase locked loop (PLL) to reduce the design efforts and power which can …

Precharged phase detector with zero dead-zone and minimal blind-zone

G Nikolić, G Jovanović, M Stojčev… - Journal of Circuits …, 2017 - World Scientific
A precharged CMOS high-performance phase frequency detector (PFD) circuit is presented
in this paper. The PFD consists of two identical building blocks. Each PFD block generates …

Frequency-range enhanced delay locked loop based on varactor-loaded and current-controlled delay elements

S Kazeminia - AEU-International Journal of Electronics and …, 2020 - Elsevier
In this paper, some building blocks of the conventional delay-locked-loops are modified to
achieve a higher frequency range and smaller jitter on generated phases. A novel sensitive …

A 5.12-GHz LC-based phase-locked loop for silicon pixel readouts of high-energy physics

XT Li, W Wei, Y Zhang, XB Yan, XS Jiang… - Nuclear Science and …, 2022 - Springer
There is an urgent need for high-quality and high-frequency clock generators for high-
energy physics experiments. The transmission data rate exceeds 10 Gbps for a single …

A fast-locking low-jitter digitally-enhanced DLL dynamically controlled for loop-gain and stability

S Kazeminia, R Abdollahi, A Hejazi - Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal …, 2018 - Springer
Conventional structure of delay locked loops (DLLs) is modified to achieve better jitter and
smaller lock time. In the proposed structure, analog charge pump is eliminated, to remove …

A low-jitter leakage-free digitally calibrated phase locked loop

A Soltani - Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
A digital calibration scheme is proposed to reduce the systematic jitter due to the periodic
current leakage in charge pump phase-locked loops. Frequency acquisition is performed …

A Low Spur 5.9-GHz CMOS Frequency Synthesizer with Loop Sampling Filter for C-V2X Applications

E Ulusoy, E Zencir - Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2023 - World Scientific
In this paper, a very low spur 5.9-GHz integer-N frequency synthesizer designed for a
Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) receiver is presented. The PLL is referenced to a 10 …

A 2.3 mW Multi-Frequency Clock Generator with 137 dBc/Hz Phase Noise VCO in 180 nm Digital CMOS Technology

JK Sahani, A Singh, A Agarwal - Journal of Circuits, Systems and …, 2020 - World Scientific
A fast phase frequency detector (PFD) and low gain low phase noise voltage-controlled
oscillator (VCO)-based phase-locked loop (PLL) design are presented in this paper. PLL …

Design and Implementation of an N-Type Integer Phase-Locked Loop With Low Phase Noise and Two Output Frequencies at 1 and 4 GHz

H Kazemi Karyani, E Najafiaghdam - International Journal of …, 2024 - ieco.usb.ac.ir
This article presents development and implementation of an integer N-type Phase Locked
Loop (PLL) module with two output frequencies of 1 and 4 GHz, each having a phase noise …

A wide locking range and low power divide-by-2/3 LC injection-locked frequency divider

W Gao, W Zhang, Y Liu - Journal of Circuits, Systems and …, 2016 - World Scientific
A direct divide-by-2/3 LC injection-locked frequency divider (ILFD) is presented in this paper.
The proposed ILFD circuit is based on a CMOS LC tank oscillator coupled with an injection …